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As many as 149 deaths have occured from this recent 2009 swine flu outbreak in Mexico. Only Mexico has faced deaths from this recent outbreak.All other global cases are mild and non-fatal although still cautionary. Different strains of the virus? Poor health and unsanitary conditions in Mexico?


| Crimewave | said...

Most people in Mexico, don't wash daily, wash their hands often, or have good health care. And for this reason, they don't visit doctors. They simply think it is a common flu or sickness and they will get over it.
I know this is generalizing, but I used to live there and I believe what I saw.

Chris H said...

There have been many more cases in Mexico as well. Although prompt and effective healthcare can reduce the mortality rate of an illness, you really can't compare 40 cases in the US compared to 1900+ in Mexico.
I'm guessing that you will start seeing fatalities once you see secondary spread from the patients who are recovering now. Remember also that the fatalities tend to be 20-40 years old, and most of the patients in the US now are highschool students and classmates that were vacationing in Mexico.

Sara K said...

I was worried to, but felt much better after reading this article. It explains it really well:
Washing your hands is a good idea. Surprisingly, eating garlic does have antibiotic effects. Oh, and you can't get swine flu from eating pork products. I hope this helps!

Jack F said...

i don't know, neither does anyone for sure, but does anyone get the feeling that people seem to be enjoying this event, and are like almost, hoping for the worst, i don't know about everybody else, but i'm not so much concerned for my wellbeing but my families

essentia said...

the first infected in Mexico got better too... the virus appears to grow in virulence the longer it is growing. And also, those infected were somewhat slow to seek medical help.

∮ said...

Poor healthcare system.

raprunr said...

WHO doesn't know yet why people are dying in Mexico and not here.

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