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I'm currently in El Salvador a central american country south of Mexico and would like to take precautions against the swine flu but oseltamivir or tamiflu is out of my budget. Is there anything else I can take?



Relenza (zanamivir) has also been proven effective against the swine flu.
Don't buy it just yet unless you actually get the flu, though.

Kalibasa said...

Zanavamir (Relenza) has been working, amantadine and rimantadine have not. Don't buy either Tamiflu or Relenza unless you actually fall sick, though- this will be taking it away from the people who need it. You'd be better off focusing on prevention. If it comes near you, wear a mask but a *good* one- n-95 or N-99. The masks half the people in Mexico are wearing in the pictures won't stop viruses. (The blue ones). Don't touch your *eyes* as well as your nose and mouth, and get an *alcohol-based* hand sanitizer. (Sanitizers can rarely target everything, so they often focus on bacteria and fungi. Alcohol won't kill resistant spore-forming bacteria, but it will kill viruses). Get it 62-70% by volume. You should be fine, don't buy drugs!

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