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The swine flu broke up just before his travel to Mexico. The president met with a museum director in Mexico City who died a week later of pneumonia. The other thing is why relatives of those who died from from the swine flue did not catch the swine flue too? Even though they did not ware the masks. They were sleeping in the same bed and ate from the same plate with the victims and are still alive.


Magnetic Door Locks said...

Yes, yes it SURE is. o_0>?

insane in the brain said...

well that was some surefire method then, don't you think?

PARVFAN said...

LOL. One can only hope. Peace

Seldon Surak said...

I'm gonna go with no.
I'm gonna suggest you take your meds

quantuml said...


grob said...

Uh, no.

Max Hoopla said...

Right. Those viruses were just hiding in wait but the Secret Service headed them off at the pass.

emoglitt said...

Some resources for you:
Avoid Swine Flu

MrNeutra said...

I thought I was the only one with this tin foil hat. Now I have heard about a Marine w/no known contact getting it. He is in Cali though. There are issues of incubation time though. Thought to be only a day or so. O should have had it by now.
But what a coincidence when yo consider the size of mexico, and the pop of Mexico City. For O to have touched him w/in days of his death. Hmmmm

firewome said...


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