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Seasonal Flu (regular flu) infects millions of people every year. It's fair to say it's a common ailment, just like a cold.
Regular flu also kills thousands of people each year...
Of all the swine flu cases I heard about, most people are getting better, just like with a regular flu.
Of course if you're elderly or a newborn or an immunodeficient person, well, the flu might be harder to treat and may kill you, but that's not news!
Are we panicking over nothing?


Preemie Baby Clothes said...

we have a vaccination for the flu and we do not have one for the swine flu, therefore, we can not stop the spread of it.

Anis said...

Unless you have access to a virology laboratory, you probably can't distinguish the two. Symptoms of swine and seasonal flu include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Patients do seem to be reporting diarrhoea and vomiting more often with swine flu than is the case for "normal" flu, but in practice the two forms are probably indistinguishable.

Linda Marcus said...

Regular flu kills 36,000 people a year in the United States and estimated 375,000 worldwide, About 90 percent of those deaths are among people older than 65 who already have health problems and cause their underlying disease to decompensate and then they don't have the reserves to fight the regular virus. Peoples are worried about the new swine flu outbreak because many of those who died in Mexico have been young and otherwise healthy individual.
There is a similarity between the swine flu epidemic centered in Mexico City and the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918-19. Infants and elderly were spared. It was the young adults with robust immune systems that were the prime victims and the disease took them literally by storm.

dukemack said...

•Mortality rate in mexico was much higher. We don't understand why it is so less severe elsewhere. The mortality curve was also inverted - usually the older and younger contract and die from disease - this time main targets were, healthy 17-39 year olds. Many strange things w this, and consider that it is currently very similar to the pandemic in 1917. It was 1918 when it killed millions. There is no natural immunity and the flu shots wont protect. Initially we didn't even know if there would be any effective treatments due to resistance factors. - so its a little like - why be concerned if terrorists put an atomic bomb in town - hasn't killed anyone yet --- because it could be devastating.

derek e said...

People need to be educated and find out the facts for themselves before they go putting a vaccination into their body. Do most people actually know what is in a vaccination before they go and get one or are they getting the vaccination based upon the recommendation of a doctor or someone else? Did you go and get the mandatory HPV vaccination in Maryland? Hope not, because the law was lifted when their were hundreds of reports of young women becoming paralyzed, brain damaged, and dead! I wouldn't be so quick to jump the gun and believe everything you read, especially when it comes to the multi billion dollar industry of the pharm. companys that pay for our politicians every move!!

layne_vi said...

It's not really different from the "regular flu". And yes, some people are majorly overreacting.
The media is often creating unnecessary panic in gullible people by focusing on a variety of diseases that turn out to be no big deal. Anyone remember West Nile Virus? SARS? Bird flu? If you hardly do it's because not much ever came of any of those things. Take a clue, people.

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