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It appears President Obama will make it law that you must inoculate your children in the fall from getting the swine flu..He plans on lining them up for injections as they did in the 50s .Are you willing to accept this?


Creek said...

don't bad mouth Obama the all great, the messiah. He da man. Do what he says or ACORn will come a knocking. Just give him a chance. It's all Bush's fault anyway and that evil cheny should be doing a duck walk to Sing Sing. We need mo govement and mo taxes. The rich have too much and I want the govement to make all my decisions because i'm an ignorant fool.

TweetyBi said...

As Mr. Obama "dictates"??? And when did he become a dictator? Vaccinations for several diseases are already mandatory for pre-school and school-aged children. Mandatory flu shots are a good idea. Our children are immunized against other communicable diseases, why not this too? Most parents don't enjoy seeing their children sick and miserable when it could have been prevented. Perhaps you're not a parent as twice you have said "your" children and not "our" children. (Did anyone else catch this?) Children will NOT be "lined up" for injections. You are clearly confused.
Any parents who so choose are free to decline but should plan on home schooling in that event.

Funky Baby Clothes said...

LOL where have you heard this! i never have. you said it appears, so you are obviously a mccain supporter. stop trying to prove that republicans are right all the time and just think for yourself on what makes sense. it's time open your eyes. and i suppose the state of the economy today is a good thing. i also suppose that denying gay people the right of getting married is way more important than people dying for no reason in iraq and wasting all our money on it. yea, that makes sense. no, i won't accept this because he's not going to do it. Obama is the prez, of course he's gonna make laws. i don't know what your talking about. dictation? where did you get that from?

Beeker said...

Why wouldn't I? Let's see.....get a simple inoculation, or risk my kids getting a disease....hmmm....
That's a real toughie.

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