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Pandemic is the new "in" word of government and media to combine PANic and epiDEMIC.HIV is still only referred to as epidemic if anyone can be ar$ed to mention it!


golden said...

Epidemic just a general term that means the outbreak of an infectious human disease. Pandemic literally means widespread, and is a type of epidemic. It has a scale of severity between 1 and 6, 1 -2 is merely an awareness of an animal virus that could be passed to humans, 3 - 5 human transmission has occured and is a warning that a pandemic is likely, 6 means it is officially a pandemic, a substantial amount of people are infected worldwide not just in one area, swine flu is currently at 5

KooKoo Molookoo said...

A pandemic (from Greek παν pan all + δήμος demos people) is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide.
An epidemic (from Greek epi- upon + demos people) occurs when new cases of a certain disease occur in a given human population, during a given period, substantially exceed what is "expected".
Basically, a pandemic is on a larger scale.

boneyard said...

Epidemic is the outbreak of a disease over a large number of people or area which can be defined.
Pandemic is a global infection not confined to a particular area of land or population category however large.

kinvadav said...

A pandemic is basically an epidemic that spread to the whole world and not just one country.

Chiara C said...

Epidemics are contained to a large but isolated population where a pandemic is spread out over a large geographic area.

Huh? said...

if you were talking about say.. swine the min we are at epidemic, for it to reach pandemic, a far higher number of people would have to catch it

tom_moph said...

Pandemic = World wide
Epidemic = Countrywide or at least more localised

System Airey said...

pandenic is worldwide of infected people
epidenic is a large area of infected people

Josh =P said...

A Pandemic is an epidemic that has gone global

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