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How important will the fact be that millions of people do not have medical insurance?


Been there, done that. said...

Very big. Many will die. Even people with insurance, as there will be millions of sick people walking around.

NeoNerd said...

Hugely. They'll provide an important vector for the disease to spread. Compare that to the UK, where everyone will get Tamiflu, and a vaccine when developed.

Veterans Do It Better said...

It will be important because I won't have to pay for the idiots without health insurance who go out and catch the flu.
Why don't you pay for their health insurance?

Trash Metal Album Reviews said...

Doesn't matter if they have insurance. By law and oath if its life threatening hospitals have to treat patients with insurance or not.

۩ Queen of Botox said...

Since there is no known cure it won't matter if someone has medical insurance or not.Just be cautious,That's really all you can do.

Sun Down said...

I guess those people should've bought the insurance instead of tricking out their Escalade, their Blackberry, $200 jeans and an Xbox 360.

Swimming Pool Filters said...

stop being parnanoid. we arnt going to get swine flu. and if u do u better stay away from me

raprunr said...

We'll still get the drugs or vaccines for free.

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