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I know Republicans are so dead set against Universal Health care . People with out medical care will certainly spread disease with out even knowing it . Poor working class people who can not afford Medical insurance will certainly go to work with the flu or risk losing their income . People who work at restaurants drive a cab or work at a grocery store (who handle money BTW ) seldom have health INS. This is how the flu spreads so quickly.


Wooglet Voot said...

They would want a bail out.

The Patriot said...

The same way they are doing it now, by being funded to provide emergency treatment. After treatment has been given, they can attempt to recoup the costs from the patient, or get funding from the government.
Anyway in a public health pandemic like you describe, emergency funding will probably be provided to immunise the population if possible.
I see what you are trying to get at with your question but you are using a bad example.
FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.
FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage.
That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

Morpheus said...

Yes, now with swine flu on it's way back, an interesting question. When the swine flu visited us last time there was no 'health' insurance.
Now, of course, the 'health' insurance company would go into a huddle and decide who was going to be treated and who wasn't.... that would take long enough so that the flu spread further and became epidemic.
"Health" insurance is perhaps the most useless of today's inventions.

Bush Family: Nazi Sympathizers said...

when have the Republicans been there for any of us? I mean a Republican was in office when the civil war started. A Republican was in office when the stock market tanked and the depression began. A Republican was in office and we lost our first major war (Vietnam) A Republican aided the terrorist that lead to 9-11 (Reagan) A Republican invaded a nation that ended their nuclear program in 1981 and on lies this war will according to the Washington Post will cost us 3 trillion dollars (Dubya) Why have any faith in Republicans?

tw3 said...

Private medical insurance companies would say it was a pre-existing virus that mutated into the flu and deny payment, and then increase the premiums quickly just for inquiring about it to suck more money from you before you die.

Lurecraft Surprise said...

We are constantly having health problems and the Insurance companies take care of it just fine!
Also as we are preparing to enter into the great tribulation and your savior will not be able to save you! So ask Jesus into your heart and be saved!

JS said...

We already have medicaid and county hospitals for these people who truly can't afford health care.
What more do you lieberals want? We have given enough already.

g said...

the gov. would step in... during a pandemic... clearly...
not sure how it would all go down exactly... but it would be a state of emergency situation and the gov. would basically tell insurance companies to go hump a log...

rightwing radical 1 said...

you can still go to the DR. just pay like everyone else.

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