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I want to prove to my co-workers that getting swine flu isn’t anything to worry about. I think that getting swine flu and quickly recovering from it is the best way to ease their fears.


*your*da said...

You can't volunteer exactly. You can however not wash your hands, spend your spare time in doctors and emergency rooms, rub door knobs then lick your hands....
I am a vegetarian and dont eat meat so I am immune to getting the swine flu.
You should eat more pork especially spam.

Baby Safety Harness said...

Given the natural tendencies for coworkers to distrust, I think it would be better for you to surreptitiously infect a coworker with the disease, and then monitor his/her progress through friendly reminder cards. That way, no one will think you were "faking" your swine flu.
It would be best to use a lazy coworker to make the recovery seem as effortless as possible.
When the swine flu victim recovers and returns to work, hold a meeting to show the results of your experiment. Reward the coworker with a trip to Mexico.
If you would like, I could drive about 45 minutes and grab something from an elementary school shut down by swine flu, and mail it to you.

Jess said...

I'm wondering the same thing! Get over it sooner than later. Everyone is freaking out about it when it is just like the common flu. Nothing really to be scared of. Plus, I would love to be the reason for my school to take a few days off!

Myron said...

So that the plan, is it?
The best laid schemes of mice and men aft gang aglay.
You need to work a little at gitting your self confidence up.

xoxo said... have issues.
People are DYING from this and you will be put in a mental facility for asking this. It's like asking for someone to kill you.

burnsins said...

Idiot. You cant just ASK to become infected with swine flu.
Haven't you heard that people have died from this? I dont call that recovering quickly.

yett71 said...

Go to the NHS, and ask them, then you will be confined and will die, or recover, Or go to mexico. BTW stay there.

Free Wordpress Plugins said...

Go on holiday to Mexico.

Mrs Nicola Cullen said...

My cousin lives in mexico, he told me he knows someone who has it. We could fly them over and get them to cough on you for abit?

Hondaluv said...

they treat it like the common flu

ƒαιтн said...

You cant.

Discount Garden Decor said...

Don't do that! do you want to progress the spreading of it. PSYCO!

Intex Pool Filters said...

this isn't a joke many people have died from it.

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