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Create the New World order?If the virus causes the World Economy to collapse ,well ,then the restructuring would be created by the Criminals that met 3 weeks ago at the World summit.Hmmm,veerrry interresting!


A.R. said...

and then the aliens land and take over?

Anonymous said...

Care to post proof?.....Didn't think so.

Ignoranc said...

maybe so...and if this just turns out to be another flu season will all you NWO conspiracy guys finally give up?

Liberal & Proud! said...

wow...adolescence sucks.

Shovel Ready said...

Let's call it Obamaflu.

dudleydo said...

Wow! I would say that is a stretch! But created by a terrorist I could buy!

perflexe said...

Did it come from the same lab as Aids, somebody must of pulled this out of their a**, when pigs fly.

Et cetera said...

Created by that crazy scientist, Dick Cheney, I betcha.

skipfab7 said...

Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Take off the foil helmet and step away from the keyboard.

Bio the angel of destruction said...

because the media is controlled by them. that's why it's best to research on your own if you can find a good source. then you find out the media is a load of horse ςhit.
well they don't tell u straight up but by hint, hint. u just have to pay close attention or just turn off the telly.

Cat - astrophe said...

I think the jury is still out on this one - the 'official' explanation is that a bird with avian flu pooped - then a pig with swine flu ate the poop - then a 5 year old boy with human flu came in contact with the pig - then all the influenzas got together and created the new virus - then the boy passed it on to his family who then went to Mexico City and started the whole mess.
Also suggested is that the pig had both swine and human flu in its system, then ate the poop containing the avian flu, then it went on to the boy.
Sounds strange to me.

anti- silence said...

I think most of the people on here blindly believe that this was not man made. What the media doesn't tell them,they will never know.

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