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The Killer Pork disease is coming closer and closer to Singapore what to do when it comes?


Anonymous said...

Use Mask, clean hand oftenly , keep distance when speak to someone and avoid to go near to the affected area

susan o said...

It is Not like "any other" flu. It turns into pneumonia and can kill you. It will lay dormant all spring and summer then come back with a vengeance. And that's why it's on tv so much and why people are wearing masks and doctors/nurses have died while treating patients with H1N1. Don't fly on airplanes. If ONE person has it on a plane and sneezes or coughs, at least 3 other people will receive a droplet of it which will go into their system. Now 4+ people have it. Those 4 will cough/sneeze around others and it'll triple from there. The H1N1 particles are so small that masks will not be effective for most particles-they'll just pass right on through. You really need a High Dollar gas mask or simply stay home, stay out of crowds, out of planes, out of malls. Remember this post around November when it starts spreading like wildfire. It is so serious that we are being lied to regarding how many people have it, how many schools are closed, how many cities have it. We live out in the country; otherwise, I would not go outdoors around people if you live in a city. It's dying out now; just wait until November. There will be riots in the streets of New York and no food to eat. The store shelves will be empty very fast. Start NOW buying canned stews, beans, etc and maybe dehydrated food. The airline industry is terrified. They raced onto tV when Obama said not to fly. They knew his statement could ruin the airline industry (which I think it will anyway).

essentia said...

oh brother, it isn't "killer pork" disease. It's H1N1 virus, and it is much like any other flu. You protect yourself with frequent handwashing and avoiding crowds, and avoid touching your face without first washing your hands. Get into the habit now and you will have less to concern yourself with.

Anonymous said...

People need to calm down a little more about the swine flu. More people die every year due to the regular flu, so just remember to wash your hands, get plenty of rest, etc. and you should be fine.

lv4vr06 said...

Wash hands more often.

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