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Who dies from Swine Flu? Is it just the old and frail or can it also kill healthy people? Is anyone else scared shitless like me?


♥Lets Work It Out♥ said...

im scarred and i can **** !!
BUt anybody can die from it even if you are healthy

Lavender said...

I am!

i'm the best of both worlds! said...

?????????? r u serious

Natalie said...

People 20- 50 year old

Jordan said...

Most likley people with bad immune systems

andrea said...

Poor people with poor hygiene.
And I don't have school till May 6th, sweet.

xxxemo_r said...

at this point, level 4? maybe almost everybody
but once it reaches 6, its over :/

nii nii said...

nobody its just those poeple who died didnt go to the doctor insted they stayed home, thats why they died so your safe,if you ever get it go to a doctor right away!!!
hope that helps :)

infowars said...

Stay away from the so-called "vaccine" whatever you do.

anarcho the angry said...

So far, young and healthy people have been dying from swine flu too.
Don't be too worried yet, it hasn't spread that far.

stevenev said...

Researchers were actually surprised that in Mexico, a lot of the death happened in healthy 20 to 40 year olds.

khiila tequila said...

i heard somewhere that its been killing ppl from 20-45 yrs old. im scared too, and really paranoid. cuz i got sick on friday night on a plane to cali and im still sick. im back home now, and i didnt go to school today.
i keep thinking i have swine flu hopefully i dont.

d* said...

anyone vcan get the swine flu
but it can only kill you if you don't get treatment on time ...
if you go to the doctor when you get the normal symptoms of the regular flu they will give you treatment (which is not the same as the one for normal flu) ;)
I'm actually not scared.. I'm in mexico right now .. I don't have school until may 6th because we have to prevent any contact with sick people.

like a bunny said...

any one can get sick, i just found out i might b infected 2,my boy friend was in contact yesterday with a guy who is in da hospital now and i just wanna go crazy, i cant go to doctor unless i have symptoms,so what am i supposed to do?, im scared for my family and my pets who i love very much, by da way im from mcallen tx, so it seems it has made its way to here...

Richard S said...

The simple answer is anyone who isnt adequately protected.
Naturally the more frail you are the greater the risk. But much has to do with personal and environmental hygiene.
You can protect yourself and the sites below may help

Kratoch said...

swine flu has been around for a while. it infects people who have been in contact with sick pigs with the virus. Its a type of influenza. it can kill you or just make u really sick if you get treatment. you can get it from other people that have it through coughing/sneezing. Anyone can get infected, even if you are mid-age healthy shape, although youl probly get rid of it easier if you have a strong immune system.

SuperVib said...

Nobody has died except people in Mexico City. For some perspective, Mexico City is the most polluted city on the planet. Not only that, because of the elevation, it has 30% less oxygen than a city at sea level. Living there is like smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Not only that, it is very poor, and very unsanitary. So people who live in very very bad situations can die. But whenever the flu (regular flu) comes through, people in Mexico City die. In places where there is fresh air and access to health care, this is like a mild flu. Nobody is in the hospital, and nobody has died. So if you were old, or very ill already, or very young, under the age of 5 or if you lived in a very squalid condition, you could die. Otherwise, symptoms have been very mild.

Ellie said...

In the US, no one has died from this flu; cases here have been mild. There are 1400 cases thus far (among billions of people). All 20 reported deaths are in Mexico.
Always, the very young, the physically compromised, and the elderly are at greatest risk.
Here is a summary of things you can do to avoid this (and any other) flu:
Here, same site, how to avoid swine flu PANIC:
Do what you can to reduce your exposure, and stay informed. Right now, there is much more concern about the potential of the virus to mutate into something more dangerous, or to spread quickly enough to overwhelm health care systems. We're NOT there, yet, and may not GET there. Panic NOT!

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