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to an easily transmittable human-to-human virus ? You do know if that happens that half the world population will die right ?


steven m said...

it is just as likely to become a non lethal transmitable virus.
but viruses in the past have killed millions
research the 1918 influenza pandemic, for what happened in the past

welllane said...

Bit like aids in a way, where do these viruses come from ? A lab or natural, will we ever know ?

starligh said...

Unfortunately, it looks very likely.
There have been cases of human to human transmission already though it doesn't seem to be widespread.
We know that the virus is mutating constantly, and experts are saying that it is a matter of when - not if - it becomes easily transmittable.
There are several different strains of H5N1 now and all of them are mutating so there are several different chances to end up with a virus to cause a pandemic.
At this point, over half of the people who are infected with H5N1 die.
There is no vaccine - it will take 6-9 months to produce a vaccine after it begins to be easily transmitted. The antiviral medications used to treat patients who are infected are in very short supply and the virus may be becoming resistant to Tamiflu (the main med being used.)
If there is a pandemic, we may be told to stay at home for a period of weeks or months to help reduce the spread - a supply of nonperishable food will be important!

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