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Also, what mesures would you take to avoid contracting this disease, and if there IS a pandemic, how long would it take to get to the UK and Ireland?


Christin said...

D: its in the Uk now

gazn1 said...

well if i fart i guess it would be blown around the world in a matter of minutes OH by the way hold onto something

raprunr said...

WHO just isn't quite sure yet and we'll have to wait and see. It's a flu not a disease.

Security Door Locks said...

WHO has officially called it a pandemic

bactiman said...

Unknown at this point.

arlanymo said...

Thats a pig of a question and i could only give you a ham fisted answer and make a pigs ear of it.So i will save my bacon and say that If pigs could fly it could come here quickly i suppose

dayofrec said...

An old catch-phrase from the hippie sixties: "QUESTION AUTHORITY" Most applicable today. Read beyond the network news...this is a biological attack. Brought to you by people you might think you should trust. And then research colloidal silver. It works.

MadMrM said...

its possible, the virus could come today, tommorow, next year or it could never come. We have specialists for these types of things we should all be fine were a small country whitch means people from london could treat a person in newcastle in under 5 hrs whitch isnt really that long. plus alot of peole forget were an island so people coming in are monitered.

djlachan said...

In addition to the World Health Organization, another source of information to answer your questions is the Center for Disease Control at
They have excellent information on dealing with medical emergencies, such as the swine flu, and also have the latest information on it.

Sir Lexus Pilled Up Frank said...

Flu is viral and the chances of a pandemic at some stage is possible but relatively remote given the virus itself can't be carried in the air for long periods of time...there is alot that goes on that isn't released to the general public and what is tends to be overblown by the media...cough cough.

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