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Swine Flu?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?
1:03 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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OK so is this whole "swine flu pandemic" going to tunr into some i am legend crap? because its all over the news,internet,youtube...etc is it really that serious to be worried so much about it i just think it is the plain old flu because it has the same symptoms wats the difference? oh and i heard it came from chinese people that live in mexico because of ther pigs or something like that? is it true?
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it is sort of the regular flu... except this is deadly. The symptoms are similar. It started in Mexico and 149 people have already died. To help prevent it you can wash your hands frequently, sneeze into a tissue, and don't shake hands or kiss anyone. It is treatable with the flu drugs Tamiflu or Relenza, but not with two older flu medications. Your risk for most people, very low. Outside of Mexico, so far clusters of illnesses seem related to Mexican travel. New York City's cluster, for instance, consists of students and family members at one school where some students came back ill from spring break in Mexico.
the symptoms are the same as pretty much everything else. who knows how deadly it really is but if it killed a bunch of people in Mexico then apparently it really is deadly. and for the person who said it wont come to Ohio, it already is in Ohio! some 9 year old boy has it he lives up by Cleveland. it was on the news this morning. and its in California, and a couple other states too.. i dont think it will be that bad as long as the people that have it sty where they are until it is completely gone from them and everybody stays away from them and nobody goes to Mexico and no more Mexicans come here, at least until all this is gone and done with.
No, it won't be like i am legend. yes, it is all over the tv and internet because people would like to know that is influenza isn't going to spread to their area. it would be something to worry about though if and when it does come your area. it could be considered the same as the regular flu because they both effect the respiratory system and have similar symptoms and this swine flu causes death. a reported 149 deaths in mexico and many cases in the U.S. some in Canada, New Zealand, Spain, France, and Israel. no, it is not true that it came from chinese people that live in mexico because of ther pigs or something like that. if you would like to see all other possible affected places heres a link to a map that will show you :
First, I need to explain the background of this virus. Swine flu is a mixture of pig, bird and human flu, although, it mainly deals with pigs. The theory is that it is transmitted, from human to human, via respiration. The seasonal flu that we are all used to usually affects older and very young children, as their immune systems are very underdeveloped or weak. However, the major controversy over this swine flu is that it infects healthy, young teenagers. Being one, I am afraid that this virus could create a pandemic, and although it is mild in most countries excluding Mexico, it has the potential to become a deadly virus if precautions are not taken. The good news, however, is that there are two flu vaccines or medications that are effective against swine flu if treated early. The government has already issued a release and transportation of 20 million vaccines to be distributed to states with infected populations. Symptoms of both flu viruses are the same, including fever, vomiting, coughing, soar throat etc. I am not sure whether the virus originated from Chinese people who lived in Mexico, but making such an assumption is practically unreasonable as it is nearly impossible to tell where exactly this virus originated from.
Hope the answers your questions. The best thing to do is think logically and most of all stay calm. Accidents happen when you do not think logically. One step at a time.
Ok, the swine flu comes out every year and every year that it comes out its more advanced then before, and the swine flu did not come from chinesse people who ever told you that is super wrong. It come from people who are close to pigs who have the swine flu so its basicly airborn. it can be spread person to person, pig to man, man to pig. And honestly even if it is'nt in your area you should still take care of your self (just to be on the safe side), wash your hands when you use the restroom, cover you mouth when you sneeze or cough (just incase you got it), and take care of your self. If you have flu like symptoms you should go to the doctor. and its deadly!
Swine flu is a respiratory disease in pigs caused by a virus called H1N1. The new strain of H1N1 is a fatal mixture of viruses from pigs, birds and humans. They symptoms of Swine Flu are sudden fever, coughing, extreme fatigue and muscle aches. There is also diarrhea and vomiting more than normal flu.
The strains of Swine flu rarely transmit from humans to humans. In rare cases, the virus mutates into a form that can move from human to human. The strain responsible for the 2009 swine flu outbreak is understood to have undergone such a mutation and is expected to stay like that for a longer period of time.
Can Swine flu be prevented or cured? There is no vaccine which can prevent swine flu. Medicines like Tamiflu and Relenza are effective, if taken initially.
Okay although the media is "feeding the flame" of this epidemic (it is not classified as a pandemic yet, that would be bad. an example is the spanish influenza) it is something to worry about. It seems that more and more cases of this flu are appearing every hour.. New York,Texas,Ohio, Spain, Scotland, Canada...
Just be wary of people who appear to have flu-like symptoms, because that is basically what the swine flu is. Wash your hands often, take care of yourself.
Hopefully this is just a quick scare and not "the virus we have been nervous about for years.. could this be the virus that wipes out millions?" CNN
149 people have died in Mexico and it is moving into Texas, California, New York, New Mexico, and Ohio. That means it is extremely unpredictable, and it is best to be as cautious as possible. The World Health Organization has raised the caution level to 4, which is one below the level signifying national pandemic. The US has not been to level 5 since 1918, but you never know, it might be a small series of unfortunate bunches of people. Stay safe and healthy, however.
For DuneCat....
There's been a report of atleast one case in Ohio.... Sorry to break it to you.
Anyways, what I've heard is it came from pig farmers in general. The only difference is that no one had ever excpected it to get so serious (which is only in Mexico really). Also, they don't have medicine for the swine flu specifically, but they are saying normal flu medicine works.
i am trying to stay in the loop about all of this. them saying "don't panic, but it may become a pandemic and kill off millions" kind of contradicts itself. i live in texas and i am a cashier. mexicans frequent the store that i work in. today a mexican woman came in sick and was buying flu medicine. if i have even ONE symptom, i am going to get checked out. i am freaked out by all of this.
who knows. it depends on people really. wash your hands, don't kiss pigs or pig farmers from mexico. only 150 people have died in mexico. do you know how many people die from a heart attack every minute?! and how MANY people there are in mexico??!! the media loves to create panic. all YOU need to do is worry about yourself and take care of yourself. thats what everyone needs to do!!!
The chinese people that live in Mexico???
Come on people.
If you are paying attention... they said its serious, but not a cause for alarm. Everyone isnt going to die. But people have died of it so they are just telling us to cautious. Like wash your hands, and be careful of touching things. And if you have symptoms, go to a doctor to prevent anymore casualties.
I dont understand why people are panicking. YOU WATCH TOO MUCH TV lol
the symptoms may be the same, but Swine Flu is very deadly. It's a combination of regular flu, Bird Flu, and the original swine flu that pigs got. And its spreading REALLY quickly throughout Mexico and America. i didn't hear anything about it coming from chinese people, but who knows.
I dontt knoww itss scaringg the crap out of mee
I mean if it wasnt so dangerous they wouldnt probably make such a fuss about it, but I think it is something like the old fluu thought now we are much more advanced in technology and medicine so there will be much less deaths i hope :l
Onlyy God can protect youuu soo letsss prayy for these illness to bee eliminated
Its all being overblown, just something that the media is using to keep people watching and improve ratings. Yes, if you live in Mexico you probably should worry, but if you are in America/Canada or other similar places you should be ok.
yah i agree . people are getting all paranoid and getting flu shots and when people do have it there wont be enough to go around. but yah it is serious cause many or idk about 200 has died and idk when it was reported and see how serious it is. 200 sense it was reported.
Now there are alot of good comments. You should follow some of them. It is similar to the flu, so use preventative measures. In the meantime, research:
1918 Spanish Flu
It started out very mild like the swine flu. Then it re-emerged a couple months later killing 40-50 million.
Its all what you think. But, then again. There have been 144 deaths reported in Mexico, so far. But, they are saying that its only mild. But, no one knows what this could become. It could end up being like it was back in 1918-1919. The worlds flu epidemic. Hard to say.
Swine flu is a flu often occured in PIGS! But it can sometimes transmit to humans and from there everybody will get it... We have nothign to worry abotu b/c Swine FLu is NOT deadly in the US... We have a cleaner environment than most.
I'm just gonna wait and see. if it grows to kill houndreds of thousands of people then i'd start getting conserned. but swine flu comes out every year, just not this big. mabye it will just go away. or mabye it's just the Media overrating it.
dude it came from a lil boy in Veracruz that lived by a pig farm.
and no its really not that serious. Yeah its deadly, but seriously. people are freaking out because the media has the power to do that.
Its absolutely ridiculous
Well, I guess time will tell. It seems quite serious with 40 confirmed cases so far in the USA -
I hope it dies out and doesn't obliterate the world like the1918 one.
its very deadly, and the virus is originaly only caught by pigs, but somehow(and they cant figure out how) the viruses got passed down by humans, and yes it can spread lets hope not though!
i really dont think so... but its like this because about 150 people died in mexico and there isnt a cure or vaccine. if your sanitary youre probably not gonna get it. also, some ambulance ppl r afraid to get the infected.
No one has died in the US all 23 people have recovered! You are not going to die. The odds of you getting this is like you being struck by lighting while inside a house. DO NOT PANIC.
It is overrated of a disease. It is not like millions have died. We are fine. Mainstream media has to much power. If the disease does come to your area I would be pretty concerned though.
yea it's true that pigs also have it and it's spreading all over mexico and new york so we better be carefull who we hang around with ............... fingers crosed 4 everyone
I thought the same thing lol, it reminded me of I am Legend, I am Legend was scarier though.
Nobody knows about it for sure..
Okay, first, Chinese people did not start the swine flu....I know that for a fact. Whoever told you that obviously isn't very smart.
An this whole swine flu thing is actually very deadly. Be careful now with touching stuff now, since 20 people in New York have already died from it. It isn't a I Am Legend thing.
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