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I get free church literature and I have this book called 14 signs announcing Christ's return and I read the whole book and one of the signs listed in the book were disease epidemics and do you believe these new viruses(Swine Flu & hini virus) are signs that Jesus Christ is coming soon?


theone78 said...

Swine Flu ?? The worst is yet to come -- Jesus come quickly !

JD290 said...

How many people do you know that have this "Swine Flu"?

Leonard said...


I blame Jane! said...

Swine flu is no epidemic - it is 99.9% HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jayB said...


Adrea123 said...

the swine flu is nothing new!

Amy said...

Swine flu is not much different from any other flu. It has just been hyped up by the media. But, I do believe that Jesus is coming soon!

: / said...

ONE overhyped "pandemic"???

icarus62 said...

Sorry to disappoint you but if he ever existed at all he's certainly long dead now. New viruses are a sign of evolution in action, and not much else.

Chris B said...

Who believes in that stuff? Probably the same people who believe that you can stick every animal in the world in some wooden boat.

midnight said...

You do realize its just one virus, not plural? Swine flu is the nick name and h1n1 is the scientific name.
Beyond that, people have been claiming signs that Jesus is coming back soon since he left.

~ShadowP said...

Swine flu is just a form of a flu.
People die from regular flu every year too. Most of the people who died in Mexico didn't get proper treatment.
Media just wanted to raise their ratings.

Ragan that is Called Ragan said...

The sign you are referring to is pestilence, and it is not the first sign. Nor did Jesus himself tell anyone to look for these signs. I don't think there is anything too special about this least not spiritually.

CheGueva said...

What about the black death in the middle ages?
What about the smallpox in the 18th / 19th century?
What about the Spanish flu in 1918?
What about AIDS??
It's just a disease! Definitely no sign of your god!

Above Ground Pool Supplies said...

Only if Obama is the antichrist and he's connected to this swine flu which I don't believe is the case. But then, I always thought that we would never elect a Black president until pigs could fly. But now, swine flu.

Bob said...

Sorry, but Swine flu is not a new disease, just a new type of flu. It is way blown out of proportion. 56000 people die every year from the flu, and swine flu is no different or more deadly than those, save that we do not yet have a vaccine.
PS it isn't hini, it's H1N1, and that's the same thing as Swine flu.

Ray G said...

No, there have always been bad diseases sweeping the planet. People said the same thing about cancer, AIDS, Hanta, Ebola, the Black Plague, etc.

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