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I hate to burst your bubble about Tamiflu, but it isn't all its cracked up to be. They've been using it to treat Avian flu around the world & they've found out that strains of the virus are developing an immunity to it.
You can read about it here:
There is a reason why they're calling this an international emergency. Unless they come to grips with this problem soon, we're in for a rocky ride.


max said...

no, tamiflu will likely do nothing in this case.
Tamiflu is all that doctors have to combat the flus that jump species (bird flu and swine flu) and so bird flu has become very resistant to it.
the strain of "swine flu" going around is actually a combo strain of human flu, bird flu, and swine flu.
also, even with no resistance you have to medicate within the first 24 hrs to get noticeable results and beyond 48 hrs it will do nothing.

Mary said...

Governments have been stockpiling on flu treatments such as Tamiflu and Relenza since the Bird Flu scare a few years back. The British government for example said they had stockpiled enough for half their population (30million) at a cost of about a billion dollars.
The problem we have is that it seems treatable but highly contagious and then add the fact no is immune from it because there is no vaccine at the moment

Steven S said...

no by all means stay away from vaccines. that is the cause of almost all major outbreaks. study shows that people that get vaccinated are more likely to develop the very disease the vaccine is supposed to protect us from. eat healthy and keep your human contact minimum. wash your hands frequently and youll make it through this. do not use hand sanitizers, they do not kill viruses. soap and water is all you need. our bodies have a natural defense against most viruses. vaccines have shown to cause all sorts of problems and even death. just look at the Amish. they dont get vaccinated and they are fine. explain that one.
heres a link with real life stories of eople who do not vaccinate their children. the stories are amazing. they have much healthier kids.

ufoblogg said...

More people should be more informed on things before stating stuff they haven't got a clue about so thumbs down for not being correct in your assumptions. No need to stock up.....yet.

demonhun said...

I don't understand why everyone freaks out about all these things, it is the MEDIA that always hypes all this stuff up!! All of the "horrible flus and pandemics" that have come in the past 50 years haven't killed even close to the number of people as drunk driving, smoking or being incredibly fat but you don't see anyone flipping out about that stuff!

raprunr said...

No. That would be selfish.
Just use good healthy hygiene skills. Everyone will be fine.

krzynurs said...

No, have a flu shot each Autumn.

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