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Its not as bad as the media is promoting according to the CDC Centers for Disease Control
Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)


Free Smartphone Software said...

Well, when you or someone you love becomes very ill with it, tell me what you think then......M'kay?

JEFF S said...

It's pretty bad in Mexico but they seem to have a handle on it.

bailie28 said...

i dont know but i guess so, i would assume someone would know what was going on and i would assume those people would be the CDC if not why do we have them

ur_chasi said...

If you want to ignore the threat, be my guest.
It would just decrease the surplus ignorant population as far as I'm concerned.

Dangyo said...

Its another scare tactic to get people to buy flu shots. So all you obama supporters and sheepeople go get your flu shots!

cb52211 said...

I'm not too concerned. Flu season's almost over and I got a flu shot so that should help. But yeah the situation isn't as bad as the media portrays it to be.

LK said...

One does not have anything to do with the other!
The CDC is not concerned with the proposed health care legislation!

wendy c said...

I am fully aware that persons have gotten completely sucked into the "everything is a conspiracy" attitude.
Unfortunately, they are completely wrong. There is no conspiracy behind this.. and ignoring it MAY put them at risk of severe illness, even death.
And all because they THINK it is a political thing??? God help them.

Boo said...

When you get sick from it, I am going to laugh and laugh.
If anything, the CDC is understating the danger.
I am assuming from the caliber of your "questions" you have difficulty reading, so you have never read The Stand. Although completely a work of fiction, I believe the governments reaction to the super-flu in that book is 100% realistic.

KarK said...

IF the epidemic actually emerges there will be several things to look at.
1) How "deadly" is this Flu compared to others
2) How do countries (All smaller) than the U.S. with universal socialized medicine deal with it compared to us.
3) How well will our "Pandemic Flu Plan" (ACTUALLY devised and put into place by Bush in 2004) work.
4) How well will medications like Tamiflu work. (Already Too Late to develop a vaccine as Obama and one of his spokesmen suggested.)
This is one we'll just have to ride out - then see what political leverage Obama tries to get out of it.

Source pooper said...

It's all in the media. They've done the same with SARS, West Nile and Avian Flu. If it was something Obama was trying to sell to the public, then there'd be no sense in him trying to play it down (see source)

dingoblu said...

This is a very serious flu. For one thing, the virus has mutated so that it can be transmitted person-to-person. Here in the US, tho, we have the medical treatment that enables most of the victims to survive (the elderly, infirm and the very young are, always, at risk of dying from any flu). There is a chance that the media will create more fear simply because that is what media tends to do - intensify the dangers in this world in order to sell papers and keep us tuned in to the news.

sunshine said...

It is a catch 22. I am no big Obama fan but the truth is the truth. If there were no warnings or anything then people would say Obama doesnt care. If he does issue warnings then people say he is promoting his won agenda. Personally I would rather know than not know. You need to be informed so you can watch for symptoms and know when to seek medical help. The CDC just doesnt want a repeat of the bird flu panic. Borders should be closed and those returning from Mexico(Obama included) should be quarantined.

Scott B said...

As of now, 68 people in the US have the so-called "Swine Flu". No reported deaths thus far. That breaks down to 1 in 4.8 million US residents are infected with the dreaded "Swine Flu".
Now, in contrast, 174 people in the US die each day from the normal flu varieties. That's almost 64,000 people a year in the US die from flu. So, since CNN and the main stream media have been hung up on scaring people with the dreaded "Swine Flu", over 500 people have died from other everyday varieties of flu (in the US alone)!
It's got nothing to do with Obama or Socialized medicine. It's got everything to do about ratings. It's sad that the main stream media feels the need to exagerate stories like this. This isn't a pandemic.

Shadow Knight said...

No, they are exaggerating it for ratings.
If what you are saying is true, then FOXNEWS is in on the conspiracy as well.

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