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Is It Possible That The Swine Flu Virus Is An Engineered Recombinant
12:59 PM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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Not to sound paranoid, but there are a few odd things about this virus that are emerging. The most alarming is that it appears to have genetic material from avian flu, human flu, and swine flu. Since flu viruses do not exchange genetic material during their reproductive cycle, how could this be a natural phenomenon?
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It is a naturally occurring event just like every other influenza pandemic in history (three occurred in the 20th century way before biological engineering was possible).
The several components (avian, human, and swine) were acquired through the process of antigenic shift. Here is how it happens:
"Like all influenza viruses, swine flu viruses change constantly. Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge. Over the years, different variations of swine flu viruses have emerged. At this time, there are four main influenza type A virus subtypes that have been isolated in pigs: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, most of the recently isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses."
What should you do to keep from getting the flu? First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Is it possible the drunk driver who ran your sister over is really a CIA operative? Sure, I guess, but there is no need to invoke the weird to explain a perfectly ordinary disaster.
The exchange of DNA between bird and human flues is a known phenomenon. If someone is infected by two strains of flu at the same time, the same cells may e infected by two different viruses. If this happens, The cell may churn out pieces of both types of virus, and occasionally "mix and match" bits from each virus. I remember they were worried this would happen to the Asian bird flu.
Anyway, if someone with the capacity to genetically modify a virus and no conscience decided to engineer and epidemic, he could have made something A LOT worse. He could have thrown in genes from AIDS, or genes that make toxins. At the very least he would probably throw in genes from versions of the flu that are resistant to tamiflu. (Of which there are several).
I JUST HEARD THE SPEECH FROM THE MEXICAN PRESIDENT ON TV, and apparently the flu was traced back to a farmer in California. This strain is a hybrid strain avian,european& asian swine,and human influenza in one. I think it very well could be bioterrorism at play. Also I read an article stating that cdc headquarters had this type of strain sample that went missing, and was replaced with another sample so that it wouldnt be discovered until it was too late. I am preparing to be safe, because you never know, just good to play it smart.
Well it's an interesting fact that in 1975 the we had a soldier die from it at Fort Dix, also some fellow soldiers of his became ill, that prompted Gerald Ford to initiate a mandatory vaccination, which certainly did not work well, it resulted in 500 people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome with 25 of them dying as a result of severe pulmonary complications from the vaccine! I am glad to know we can count on help from the government (that's sarcasm)
also, did you know that 675,000 americans died from this avian/swine flu in 1918 with another 100 million people around the world dying from it? It's amazing people still even exist on the earth.
click the link for more facts about it.
Idk it is possible some mad scientists engineering this virus to alleviate over-population. kinda reminds me of wat happened in Resident Evil doesn't it?
It would be kinda better if it wasn't airborne and could only get if the person who had it was a zombie and it bit you lol jk
You could at least fight it off with a gun and wouldn't need to get a vaccine
It sounds to me like it's a lab created hybrid. There were a few news stories floating around about it being created in a lab (as well as the avian flu aka H5N1 and bird flu). The Swine Flu (H1N1) seems to me to be affected by the environment it's in, milder climates slow it down, the people in America all recovered. One of the cases was in New York, Long Island to be exact, and I know a girl who is up there so I'm kind of worried for her.
Hope I could provide some insight,
yes,,but,,I got an e-mail from the "NON - Profit" doctors I linked below. These people are definitely effective in creating widespread panic.
I think it's pretty simple, if your in an area that may have infected people, stay away from people. One article says 6'. If think you have it, go to the hospital. It sounds like the vaccine is actually safe and effective, and here, in America, I'm sure you will get plenty of attention if you actually contract it.
Give it a month...if people in low income areas start dropping like flies, and there doesn't seem to be any wealthy people getting sick,,then panic...
Try to answer my swine flu question please. You see I find it funny too, I honestly believe this is planned out world leader get together and I think its too much of a coincidence, its bs and its rigged. The media feed you this stuff and they want you to be scared and want to see you vulnerable, its amazing...I'm lost for words..
I've thought all alone this was man made. The virus usually doesn't mutate this much. Didn't everyone say Bush made Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana? Didn't everyone say Bush planed 9/11 attacks. Maybe OBAMA released a virus in Mexico. LOL I do think it is man made. I don't know what country did it, but how perfect. US travels to Mexico a lot. Our money goes back and forth. Mexicans come back and forth across our borders. Lots of drugs come across our border. Cocaine you just snort right up your nose. Mix the virus in that and it is sure to spread.
this is NWO a plan to cut the world population. whatever you do, do not go to a FEMA camp. They will be telling us to go to FEMA camps in a few weeks for treatment. but this is a concentration camp. they burn dead and living people. this has been in the making sence the end of WW2 its the end of the free world.
Thats what happened.. it was man made probably as a biological weapon
You're watching too much Sci-fi movies.
It sounds like some scientist played games with different virues, and set it loose to see its outcome.
LOL, just Joking! I Hope that is not what happened.
I don't know but I sure am scared!
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