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They say if it becomes a pandemic, millions and millions will die, and it may take 3 months or more before it's over. What are we supposed to do?


evil ann said...

We have the bird flu vaccine standing by..Hope you don't own any chicken houses.

lasheais said...

stick your head between your knees, and kiss your bum good-bye

mnvikes said...

HHmmm thats a tuff 1
i was wacthing this thing on National Geography Channel and they said it will be a big epidemic, just like small pox in the 1700's. so lets hope and pray that it doesnt happen

Dianamit said...

duck and cover.
dont listen to all the media hype. yes, pandemics happen, but there hasnt been one since 1918. pandemics usually follow this patern: avian flu->variety other mammals->- pigs (swine flu)->humans. im not gonna run out into the streets and scream WERE ALL GONNA DIE until a swine flu pandemic starts, and thats a long way off yet
im talking widespread and highly contagious for each stage; so far there have been jsut a few isolated cases of it in mammals, most of which have been attributed to eating infected birds. dont listen to all of the media hype. yes, it could potentially cause a pandemic but most flu viruses never make it to that point. odds are this one wont either.
pumpkin: the tamiflu thing is a horrible idea. influenza virues become resistant to those drugs very quickly, and theyre overused. they shouldnt be used unless the flu is life threatening the individual so they will be effective longer if a pandemic does hit.

frexy said...

make sure you get your flu shot every year, wash your hands often, and have a stock of food, water, and cash in your home in case your area is under quarantine.

Fairy Codswallop said...

we cant do anything

OneRunni said...

Ignore it until it goes away, if you get all worried you'll make yourself ill :)

pumpkin said...

1. Pray a lot!
2. Stick your head between your legs and kiss your gluteus maximus goodbye!

pumpkin said...

Here's what's recommended for the bird flu -
face masks
a complete medical kit
powered gatorade
bottled water supplies
MREs (meals ready to eat)
Get your dr to write a script for Tamiflu & set it aside
in case you do contract the flu. If at all possible, have
a prescription for every member of your household. The flu shot is useless in this case. Use the face masks & gloves if you absolutely have to go out amongst people who might be exposed to the flu. If you have to stay in your home for three months, you will need to survive - hence the stockpile of water & food that can be eaten without cooking (what if we lose power?) Clean Water, especially, is essential. I know this sounds like a strange suggestion, but read The Stand by Stephen King - there were a lot of survival tips in there that I would not have thought of - it deals with pandemic & gives you a different perspective on what life would/could be like if millions & millions die. Most of this is common sense, but a lot of people lack in that department. I've been following the progress of the bird flu for a while now & am anxious because I don't want my children to get it, so I looked up all the things we'd need to survive. I hope it doesn't come to pandemic, because America is so not prepared. Good luck!

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