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I'm really nervous about going to work today, I come into contact with a lot of people everyday... I plan on going in early to purchase hand sanitizer, any suggestions on what else I should get to keep myself safe while working?


anothers said...

keep your hands clean, wear a mask if your allowed to

Jason said...

There is a 10 do's and dont's list on this site. There is also information for people who deal with the public

xxblonde said...

Yeah, use hand sanitizer, try to avoid physical contact with people, try to breathe through your nose. You'll probably be OK, but if anyone coughs or sneezes be sure to take a step back! Even if you get the flu, you'll probably be OK. So try to relax and feel better about going to work.

YouAgain said...

The H1N1 virus is no worse than the strains of flu that spread around every winter...seriously, people are freaking out for no reason.
If you're really nervous, then go get the hand sanitizer and use it, wash your hands on your breaks, and don't touch your nose or mouth after handling cash. If you want to go over the top, then you can buy finger cots (they're like latex gloves, but they just cover the individual fingers, not the palm) or full latex gloves (available at any store).
Seriously though, don't let the stupid media freak you out about all this.

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