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What are the odds of school closings, etc. Can someone miss their job w/ out getting fired if they fear swine flu?


Baby Sleep Positioners said...

its not a pandemic .... yet . but im sure right now were safe and just wash your hands frequeltly and cover your cough . watch the news for more upatdates.

Lovin'li said...

Obama says that Science and medicine will be required. Obviously he meant that medicine is unrelated to science. I am glad he is aware of that fact

Pentair Pool Filters said...

His teleprompter: "We need change! The Bush administration is to blame for the Swine Flu becoming more and more active in the United States."

Jeremy W said...

I hope that his teleprompter mentions to religious people that the current swine flu is the original one that evolved into a new strain.

Don't Ask! said...

He already has responded in a very calm and measured way.. He said there is cause for concern but not for alarm. I agree with that, we've been far too easily stirred up over mad cow, avian flu and suchlike.

Preemie Baby Clothes said...

Did you hear, that ahole actually told everyone last night, "Not to worry". Like he has some magic formula. Probably only give it to liberals anyway! lol
The liberals answer to the truth around here is to give thumbs down. I can see by the two I have already that there are two uniformed anti Americans that can actually read!

michelle said...

I believe that his teleprompter will tell Obama to bow his head for a moment (just a moment) then raise his head slowly look left, look right, then do that look that he does from time to time where he's squinting just a bit with his arrogant face tilted back as if to be looking at a mountain in the distance. Then he will say!
We must Hope that the Swine flu will CHANGE!!!!

Sara K said...

The hole enter country of Mexico has closed all schools and canceled all public events. The only thing open is stores and hospitals. All restaurants are closed. They have not restricted trail yet. One should not miss their jobs unless it is in your area.
However you would need to see dozens of people in your area get sick in order to cancel. This will last a long time, because it is new, and the doctors have not vaccines, so this is going to last a really long time.
I really feel sorry for Africa, because they will not survive it. This new strain is going to make its way world wide.

David S said...

It will tell him to say " Thank you, President Obama. Ooops. America needs to ah ah socialize ah the Health Care System. Ah ah As we all know, the ah the um socialized health care system in ah um ah Britain is the envy of the World. Trust me, ah nobody comes to the U.S. from other countries to receive care. Just look at at um um ah Canada, there is ah absolutely zero problems ah receiving any procedure you want, no waiting line or anything."

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