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Over spring break (April 4-April 9) I went to New York City. Cases of the swine flu are now being recognized in the city and I am experiencing symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. I'm scared I've been exposed. How long after exposure to swine flu do symptoms take to generate?
My symptoms include sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, and very mild coughing. I don't however have nausea or diarrhea, which is also stated as a symptom. Help! I'm scared. I live in Atlanta and I don't want to be the one who brings swine flu to Georgia.


And the Sentence Trails Off said...

I believe within 7 days. Also, your age might be a factor. In Mexico, the majority of infections are in people in the age range of 20-45. This is similar to other influenza pandemics (for example Spanish Flu). The symptoms and mortality rate are worse for this age range. Here in the US, the cases are all children. These tend to be mild. I believe that this is because the 20-45 age range have stronger immune systems, and therefore have a higher chance of overreacting to this never-before-seen strain of the disease. Also, if you have Tamiflu or Relenza, those might help and save your life.
I wouldn't be that worried. You probably just have the normal late-season flu. Just in case, though, you should stay home (provided you don't have severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing).
You're probably just paranoid (like me).

SodapopC said...

First of all it doesn't take 1-5 days.
It will hit you fast. Just like a normal flu.
Aches pains all over cough, sneezing lost of appetite.
I guess people didn't read this right.
And they are aren't positive those kids have the swine flu, Only 2 most likely out of 1,000 students might of had it in New York.
And everyone in America has recovered or is recovering.
People are only dieing in Mexico cause they have poor health care.
I'm sure you will be fine.
Hopfully this whole flu thing will pass by.
Just stay indoors just incase you have it. Get some tamiflu. Wash your hands often and cough into a paper towel.

Lindsey said...


M B said...

As far as I've heard, the incubation period is not nearly that long.

How to start a Garden said...

My sister lives in Altanta. cool. well i don't think you have it because when i had the actual flu i didn't feel bad at all at first and then within a few hours i literally felt like i was dying. if you had exposed the people in your area it seems like someone else would have developed the symptoms and gotten the disease by now. i really don't think you have it. its been too long since you're spring break. but i am just a teen age girl so im just kinda sorta guessing here. but honestly the regular flu was the worst experience of my life. and to have the swine flu would probably be worst and trust me you would be feeling it by now i do believe. :) God Bless.

anarcho the angry said...

1-5 days. Don't worry, you probably just have a cold. If you had swine flu, you would have felt sick sooner.

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