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I am a bit astounded that doctors in minor clinics in Nova Scotia can claim to have diagnosed swine flu in four high-school students. Are they using some form of test like the HIV western blot, or are they just looking at these people weezing and in light of the present hysteria, saying OH MY GOD! SWINE FLU!


~*K*~ said...

I'm going to assume that they take swab tests and send them out to a lab to find out what strain of flu they have.

Lab Guy said...

Swine flu symptoms, diagnosis, treatment:

parangar… said...

I'll remove my comment. I was incorrect it is now also in Canada. It wasn't 2 hours ago.
It would be tested in a lab to confirm. The lab would confirm the doctors susipions.

polly g said...

Don't know about the Canada case as it was probably a viral culture but in the US and in some cities there is a special surveillance program that can type the virus rapidly. The pilot program was mentioned at the White House briefing.

Emer S said...

Hey don't worry its just like the flu its not that bad my boss had it like three weeks ago and he recovered and my bro works at the hospital were they have 8 cases and only one person had to be hospitalized because that person was of old age, I really don't know why there dieing in Mexico maybe it isn't true. most Mexicans in Mexico are ignorant they use stupid Mexican remedies for the flu and i know I'm Mexican American with family down there and they don't know about Tylenol extra strength which lowers the deadly fever of a flu . may I add they do have really good doctors. all i know is im washing my hands cuz i dont want to miss 1 weeks worth of work or school! and if you do get it get rest go to your doctor and keep hydrated its just a flu the good part is that if you do get it you will be immune to bird flu and other crazy flus' worry if old

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