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How are people recovering from the swine flu if theres no cure?


Rebecca said...

They're not ...

Insomnia said...

Better and more immediate, accessible healthcare.

Amal said...

Because some people are healthy and have a strong body system. They fight it off. And some people are unhealthy and weak so their body can't fight it off.

Raiden said...

well, maybe cause they immediately went to the hospital to be treated,and the flu wasnt advance,and also it all has to do with your immune system..

Matthew said...

maybe they only received a minor portion of the flu, or they took Tamiflu or something. if you've noticed, those with mild symptoms recover because the flu is weaker than at maximum power

Bob K said...

ur bodies not like freaking weak piece of crap u know
it fights stuff... white blood cells... ever heard of them plus other things, its not like thers cure, but doctors can give drugs that will boost ur immune system and help fight it so drugs that help fight it in addition to ur body fighting it = good chance of recovery

Cause Cows Took Over :D said...

Because our bodies have the capability to fight off most infections if we are already healthy. Just because there's no medicine to cure this form of the flu right now doesn't mean everyone will die if they get it. Just like salmonella. I even had that as a baby and lived. Plus, before vaccines for diseases were invented, did everyone die? Nope.

Maxfx said...

It's not because the Flu was advanced, tell me this; Who would recover from a infection, the person living in a overpopulated ALMOST on the brink of a 3rd world country filled with unhygienic citizens, OR the person over here living in a country that has a somewhat decent healthcare system, and is able to afford medication (Tamiful/Tylenol/Nyquil).
The facts are easy to see while this flu may spread and may infect many, its not as deadly as the media wants you to perceive. If you hear people trying to compare it to the Spanish Flu Outbreak in 1918-1919, just remind them we are almost a century past that and have come along way in the fields of medication and healthcare since then.
My biggest fear is if it makes it to Africa, and place like that it would surely flourish and possibly mutate and the deathtoll would skyrocket in weeks.
Anyway don't bite your nails worrying about it, make sure you and your family wash your hands, avoid large crowded areas (Malls, supermarkets, ect.). Have a Good Day.

Wall Fly said...

There doesn't have to be a cure for a disease not to be fatal, there's no cure for the common cold but virtually every one recovers from that. Just because there is no cure, it doesn't mean everyone that catches it will die.

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