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The plan is to close schools and make kids and teens stay at home – no gathering at friend's homes or at the mall. How would your family cope? Do you have books and games at home for your kids?
The virus is killing 60% of the people who are infected, and kids spread flu more than adults. It is being spread from person to person occasionally. The fear is that the virus is mutating and it is acquiring the changes needed to pass easily from person to person. When that happens there will be a pandemic.
There will be no vaccine for 6 to 9 months after a pandemic begins. It takes that long to make a vaccine.


africanq said...

Luckily, the avian flu isn't spreading rapidly among humans & this is a contigency plan. The same measures were taken during the Spanish Flu & they were very successful when implemented properly.

Rockford said...

It's an excellent idea to close schools, malls, theaters and other places where a large amount of people gather. I highly recommend this book
"The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague In History" by John M. Barry
You can get it at your local library.

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