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Can you pass it on to others before you start to feel or show symptoms? Not only swine flu but seasonal flu.


Lighting said...

all i know that it is NOT tranfered by air, the virus dies in 4 hours if its in the air..

Amanda said...

An infected person can spread the virus to others 24 hours before they have any symptoms and up to 7 days after symptoms show.

Jerry said...

Yes, you could infected with the virus as this is an airborne disease - meaning it could pass the virus by air. At the moment, medical experts are at their wits end on how they could solve or eliminate the fatal effect caused by this pandemic...
To share with you what I have discovered, swine flu, cancer, AIDs and other fatal diseases known to men has a decade old cure - kept for a very long time by science and authorities.
To learn more about the secret source of swine flu cure, visit :
Share this, it could save precious lives.

Linda Marcus said...

The new swine flu virus apparently spreads just like regular flu and become airborne if infected person cough or sneeze without covering their nose and mouth, sending germs into the air. The virus is transmitted by saliva or droplets of sneezing from an infected person. You could pick up germs directly from an infected person, or by touching an object they recently touched, and then touching your eyes, mouth, or nose, delivering their germs for your own infection. Infected people can start spreading flu germs up to a day before symptoms start, and for up to seven days after getting sick, according to the CDC.

Zero Gravity Chairs said...

The new swine flu virus apparently spreads just like regular flu and become airborne if infected person cough or sneeze without covering their nose and mouth, sending germs into the air. The virus is transmitted by saliva or droplets of sneezing from an infected person. You could pick up germs directly from an infected person, or by touching an object they recently touched, and then touching your eyes, mouth, or nose, delivering their germs for your own infection. Infected people can start spreading flu germs up to a day before symptoms start, and for up to seven days after getting sick, according to the CDC.

tarn_e_b said...

you are contagious 1 day before you start showing symptoms, it is like this with all flu's

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