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There was a news conference where the Secretary of Homeland Security who is not a doctor, answered questions on the swine flu. Why are they involved in handling it?


Blending In said...

I agree it does not make sense for Janet Napolitano, who is not a doctor, to be answering questions on the swine flu and should not be involved in handling it.
The federal government is cracking open its stockpiles of flu-treatment drugs and moving them around the country to combat what Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has, mercifully, not yet referred to as a pig-caused disaster. (She's not referring to it as the swine flu, either, because that upsets pork producers. And in this one, rare instance, that is a reference to farmers, not Congress. Nor has Napolitano closed a border, which is good because she probably would close the Canadian one by mistake.) o_O

phatphil said...

It makes sense because the mission of DHS is "to patrol borders, protect travelers and our transportation infrastructure, enforce immigration laws, and respond to disasters and emergencies. The agency also promotes preparedness and emergency prevention among citizens. Policy is coordinated by the Homeland Security Council at the White House, in cooperation with other defense and intelligence agencies, and led by the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security."
If a decision to block flights from Mexico City, or close the borders, or quarantine any part of the US were to be made then Homeland Security would be involved.

Marcia B said...

Yes. A pandemic is a security issue as well as a health issue. DHS is working along with the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. I'm sure you will see Health and Human Services weigh in as well.
Its potentially a big problem - it makes sense to have every related agency involved.

Kiss me I have Swine Flu said...

Because we dont have a Surgeon General right now and Obama just appointed the Health and Human Services secretary today. Now the HHS Secretary will do it.
It just took some time to appoint all the cabinet members and Homeland Security was just filling in the space temporarily.

Becca the Tea Lady said...

Considering she has done NOTHING for our Homeland Security by not closing or even checking the people coming in from Mexico. She should be fired!! The virus started in Mexico and we are letting in thousands a day. What a freakin joke!!

Ron R said...

so you don't know that she failed miserably in her real job surrounding the fly by in NY of air force was a complete breach of homeland security and she never even qeustioned it.....

just me said...

Another republican?
No understanding of how to govern our union.
Security? Safe? Also, Sibelius just was confirmed YESTERDAY and SWORN in TODAY! Whew.

Absent said...

Just to give a chance to Janet Napolitano to ridicule herself again.

Anonymous said...

She's just attempting to draw attention away from her ridiculous remarks concerning veterans and domestic terrorism.

Seldon Surak said...

if it is a bio weapon, yes
if it is as deadly as the 1918 strain, yes
otherwise, probably no

Metal Mike said...

Homeland security is responsible for keeping America safe from all threats.

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