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knowing the strength of the HHS secretary, the Surgeon General giving sound advise, and a full treasury group figuring how to pay for the immunizations. And having the boarder wide open should produce excellent results if you want to kill the poor.
When do the adults show up and get this under control. Was the messiah playing golf today?


WP Robot: automate your weblog! said...

i think the should close up the border too, but there are a lot of idiots out there who say it's wrong. i just love how people put morals before their own lives and the lives of others.

Ruirik said...

Well, I think that the swine flu is something to keep an eye on. We haven't had a Pandemic for a long time, and so it's only a matter of time that we do. Antibiotics can only can so far, and tend to exacerbate the situation in the long run because they force the viruses to mutate faster and become stronger to overcome the antibiotics.
So a Pandemic will come, and many millions of people will die. Will it be this time? or even within our lifetimes? I don't know.
Really, the only thing one can do is to wash their hands often, and follow the advisories from the government. When you have to use antibiotics, use the full course instead of stopping when you feel better. Many people do that, and what happens is not all of the virus is killed, allowing the surviving viruses to be the stronger ones.
The WHO actually has done a decent job in the past dealing with viral strains. Its amazing to me with all the international travel going on that things don't go whacky.
I think though that we just take a deep breath, do what is advised and live our lives without panic. After all, if some or all of us get sick and we did what was advised, what else could be done?

Wes said...

The alert has been raised to level 4 and travel advisories have been issued but travel is not banned yet ....It should be already.. The experts are preparing for the worst as the cases are mushrooming exponentially.
The WHO has said the virus is already beyond containment and human to human contact is more frequent. They predict more severe cases in the US in light of the fact Mexico has been dealing with this for almost two weeks now and it is growing and mutating.

Liberty or Death said...

I'm confident because I suspect this "pandemic" will end up last page news in a week or so just like the other pandemics and similar hysteria stories have in the past.
And if I'm wrong, I have guns, ammo, a big knife, and the ability to live in the woods away from people for as long as I need to.
And if that doesn't work, then I'll be dead and it won't matter anyhow.

Revolt Already Cowards said...

Culling the herd is necessary at this point.
The economy will rebound after, once the number of people in need of work is reduced to match the employment offered.
At any rate, if you already have the antidote, you know you'll be here in three years.
If you don't, then you were irrelevant anyway.

AngelaTC said...

What immunization would that be, exactly?
And the Surgeon General is.....who, exactly?
And the HHS secretary is hung up in legal trouble, I believe?
Good thing the states are handling this. You'd think people would have learned from Katrina that central planning always fails.

Obama - $anything$ for my friend said...

Pending pandemic? 100 people with the flu doesn't fit the definition. Obama actually did the right thing and gave it the attention it deserves. The media needs to quite over reporting it.

BOW2HUSS said...

I think with all the Swine in DC they would be scared.
Like, follows like.
Swineville and the Pork House should be a BIG magnet.

Crazy Dog Videos said...

I feel confident that this current pandemic will go the way of the bird flu pandemic...Nothing is going to come of it. 150 people have died in Mexico and none here. I'll worry when I see people dropping by the 1000s.

amazin'g said...

You must not question the messiah's actions! He told us that he kept updated on the latest news about the flu. Isn't that enough for you? Oh you of little faith. He'll fix this flu problem on his way to the 19th hole.

Best Smartphone Software said...

its all a bunch of bull,since the 70s,the u.s. flu related deaths have totaled 30000 a year, or higher (also higher than aids deaths) when the networks have no news they create it

pacifics said...

And it was the Republiccans who removed millions for flu research from the spending bill? Hahahahahahahahah....

dazed&co said...

The word would be potential not pending. Unless you are aware of some certainty the rest of the world is not.

mopar mike said...

Obama himself is a Pandemic. God bless.

washjeff said...

I'm not the least bit concerned about anything, especially bird/swine flu.

n b said...

there is a panic and a dem in every pandemic ;o)

Snicka Nicka said...

=/ Yeah..
It's all under control. *rolls eyes* wtf are you smokin?

NIMBY TWO said...

i've already put up the plastic sheeting with duct tape!!!

nikkiise said...

yep,i'm gonna stay in my room for a month.

Smartphone GPS Software said...

He was still looking for his ball, I wonder which one though?

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