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I mean come on, look at this map
I know its curable & you shouldn't panic cause its just like the flu, but do you think basically everyone will get this disease?
And do you think in 2 weeks schools will start closing because of this disease? Like all around the country?


slkrchck said...

my school closed today and will remain closed for the next week..whoo hoo!

loli said...

the media may be over reacting just a tad. When someone got menengitis at my school they sent out ONE notice but with the swwine flu where no one has gotten it they are informing parents like 20 kids have it. You said yourself that its just like the flu. Maybe these "suspected cases" are actually just people with the regular flu. You also have to keep in mind that even though many people have died in Mexico this is because
1. It is a poor country and many people are underfed hence unhealthy
2 they do not have a lot of doctors or medication
Im sure there will be schools in california who freak out and close but im on the east coast and i do not see that happening here.

Lencia S (BACK UP) said...

It is a level 6 already
There are 100 confirmed cases in the US and 1 death so far. Thus far, 300 schools have closed down.
I think the reason why everyone is making it such a big deal is because it's a new strain of the flu (and regular flu medicines may not work similarly on the swine flu). The swine flu has a mix of human, pig and bird genes (I think!) so it's different...that and the fact that the disease is airborne (person-person contact)
Haha today at school my advisory teacher was telling everyone not to shake hands with anyone...lame

Tania's second mom said...

Last year in the US, 36,000 people died from the flu. Did they close schools? No, Did any one panic? NO, because the media didn't talk about it every single minute of the damn day. It's pandemic now as far as I can see. They already say it's a 5 and you need a 6 to be pandemic. This will all blow over in about 3 weeks. Everyone is so sick of hearing about this flu and it's really no worse than the other flues people died from.

NONEYAX3 said...

EWWWWWW! after looking at that, I'm more scared! that's disgusting!
I dont think EVERYONE will get it but DFKJGHDFKJ it makes me mad. I think it will take a long time before it goes away. because like someone could be carrying it and then they can go to the grocery store and touch a cart and the cart attendant can touch that cart and touch 524 other carts and then those 524 people can get it and GROSS! that's how it spreads..

bactiman said...

I wish the WHO wouldn't do that, unnecessarily scaring people. Its like when the government does that color thing with terror threats.
Unfortunatly it may be raised to level 6

Will said...

Bring it on,once people realise it's not the END and that it is MILD and that flu season kills 25,000 a year in North America every year…

The Laughing Man said...

Its exaggerated. Its treatable, not curable. Schools can close, but that wont help much.

The Briz said...

I'm in Florida, and my school nurse is ripping her hair out because paranoid parents keep coming to them with questions.
I agree, the media is over exaggerating.

Rocketpo said...

Around 100 cases in America out of 300 million people is hardly anything to worry about.

eddie r said...

Honey thats a really stupid Question fist of all ITS ALREADY AN EPIDEMIC If thats what u meant to say Lmao... Also Ask a doctor professional. Your gonna get lil kids scared if they read this.. and Its fake its just a terrorist attack

Your Best Friend said...

I think the media is exxagerating this

chillax said...

yea eventually it will.

Keelin!! (Your Kinda Guy :P) said...

its just talk, no body can tell

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