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I just want to know if there's a good reason for all the talk about the swine flu. So people have died from it, haven't people died from the normal flu?


Jane said...

I don't think America is over reacting. It is only taking a precautionary measure. Especially there is no vaccine yet to combat this strain of virus. It is true that people have died from flu before but mostly were the young and the very old. This virus does not discriminate against age. I live in NYC near the school that was closed down. I started seeing trickling people started wearing mask. I bought my N95 mask as they say is effective online. I am sure you can buy it from your local drug store. I don't think I am over reacting with this only precaution.

Victoria said...

Swine flu can mutate on it's own, and it is a respiratory disease that comes from pigs.
The media and American is overreacting. 40,000 people a year die from regular flu, so how is this different than the normal flu? It is only less common than the annual flu, so i guess that makes it a "pandemic."
There was a swine flu breakout it 1976 and the vaccine killed more than the amount of people died from the actual swine flu.
All the people who died from the swine flu were in Mexico except a infant who was in Houston, TX. However she was from Mexico and an infant =(. Mexico's medical services can not even compare to the hospitals in the US.
In conclusion the swine flu is not a good thing, but doesn't need to be a global epidemic.

bandgeek said...

People don't die from the "normal" flu, usually they die because of secondary infections that they developed as their immune systems are down. Usually it's the elderly and the very young. With the swine flu, the deaths have been healthy. They think it's because it's a new strain, our bodies haven't developed any immunity to this strain and the immune system is working in overdrive which then affects the body's organs.

RN2B said...
the swine flu is just a ploy to force people to take vaccines, how can they already have vaccines for a virus that they only discovered on april 14/
mexican doctors who have taken the vaccine have died, from the vaccine
"I have the reports of several Mexican doctors who tell us that their colleagues were vaccinated and died. Vaccinated with what, you may ask? Now that is a really good question... "

smokinin said...

It's not necessarily more dangerous. Right now, it is not known if it is more dangerous or not. But there is no vaccine yet. And it is a type of flu that we have never had before, so how serious it will be is uncertain. In 1918, a new strain of flu caused 2.5 percent of people who got it to die. This is a much higher death rate than normal strains. Some are afraid this flu will have a high death rate, too.

jjiff said...

It has taken everyone by surprise mainly because we have been concentrating on the anticipated bird flu, also pigs are more hardy making this less easy to detect, and because it is a new strain there is no vaccine as yet and won't be for a few months by which time a lot of people could be infected.
This depends on how virulent this strain is and how quickly people get medical attention, the US has great medical facilities, but the problem the US has is how many people will seek this given the issue of the millions without health insurance and those who just simply fear the cost of going near a doctor.
Like you say we have all had flu at some time or another and got over it, some people who have a bad cold call it flu, but as most of us know when you get the real thing it knocks you off your feet and into bed for a week .
But what is worrying people and moreover the scientists is the sheer scale that this could take on if it is not contained and controlled, and the ensuing chaos it could bring with millions struck down with it at the same time, this may be a bleak picture I am painting here and I hope I am wrong, hopefully we have the resources to get this under control quickly.
In our squeaky clean lives the viruses are fighting back, waiting for our complacency to get the better of us and then strike us down when we are not looking!!

Maximus said...

This flu is more of a concern because it's more aggressive and has similarities to the outbreak of the "Spanish Flu" in 1918, which killed about 50 million people around the world in less than a year. It's effecting to healthy young people. When the Spanish Flu started, many didn't think it was a big deal but two seasons later, people started dying like crazy around the world from it. It's about being cautious. You can refer to the following link:…
@ Smoking...: Have you been watching the news? It has been clearly stated that there is not a vaccine and would take at least 6 months to develop one. It sounds like in Mexico, they experimented by giving a vaccine that they THOUGHT would be effective.

FraSpa said...

Yes, people have died from the normal flu, however everyone has always feared that there would be a huge pandemic associated with flu, and now they think this is it. In my opinion, seeing as how only 1 person has died in the U.S. out of maybe 50 or so cases, I would say it's not exactly a pandemic here, yet.

Jessica said...

yes the do die from normal flu. I have swine flu cause i live in CA

PrEtTy GiRl said...


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