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The Public Health Agency of Canada has listed this on its website (last modified April 26)
A vaccine is any preparation intended to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the production of antibodies. Canada has a plan for a vaccine to be produced domestically if a pandemic occurs, which will take about six months once the virus is identified. Enough pandemic vaccine will be produced to cover all Canadians."
Now that the virus has been declared a pandemic, what action is the government taking?


Rockford said...

Canada is not taking the pandemic seriously. Five students got the H1N1 at Coquitlam-area schools in BC. None of the schools were shut down.
H1N1 is the same strain as the 1918 Spanish Flu. Look at the fatality rates of every know flu pandemic
Asiatic (Russian) Flu 1889–90 1 million died, possibly H2N2
Spanish Flu 1918–20 to 40 million died, H1N1
Asian Flu 1957–58 1 to 1.5 million died, H2N2
Hong Kong Flu 1968–69 0.75 to 1 million died, H3N2
So we know at least one million people will die if there is a flu pandemic this fall and they don't want to close a school because of final exams?
Canada should be cancelling the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics which is scheduled right in the peak of flu season. Washing hands is good. Preventing large groups of people from gathering is what will save lives though.
A vaccine will not be ready by the winter games.

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