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My partner has to go to a work conference in an office where there has been a swine flu case. He is hoping that it will cancelled on account of this, however if it isn't, what is the best way for him to protect himself against sickness? He is in very good health, but I want to put my own mind at rest. Thank you.


Candy said...

tell him to take with him to work a full bottle of hand sanitizer and that don't go near anyone who is sneezing or coughing
good luck

Emily Hobhouse said...

Swine flu is carried via droplets - so he must wash his hands. Avoid ill people. And yes, I do believe in the powers of garlic!
But quite frankly, it could be anywhere. The person he sits next to on the train, the person he stands next to in a queue at the bank, etc etc.
Unless he quarantines himself and you, there's not much you can do. But try taking garlic capsules.

Cat said...

Wash his hands after contact with pretty much anything that isn't his own property.
Alcohol hand gel also works. Hands need to be washed after touching surfaces and things like keyboards, door handles etc.
Wash hands before eating or touching his face. And obviously if someone is coughing or sneezing, stay well clear!
Just generally clean hands regularly with soap and water.

Em said...

Washing hands as mentioned, but also being aware of touching his face, people often don't realise that many colds and flu are spread by rubbing our eyes, so try not to touch his face before he's washed his hands. If he's really worried perhaps buy some zinc lozenges to suck (no more than it says on the pack though - you can overdo zinc and if hes taking a vitamin supplement check that too)

little.f said...

Wash your hands when you use the bathroom, clean door knob's usually,wear a mask, wear gloves, and dont eat any left-over's, etC.

lee said...

WASH HANDS! i could not stressed that enough. but also to be VERY safe wear a mask, gloves, and also keep up his immune system with healthy foods, danactive, and special medicines

Empress said...

He can't . . .

helpful said...

airborne. the vitamins

Leo said...

Take some garlic capsules

Downsy said...

You dont need to worry! It does not even matter if he catches it he will be fine!

Char Char said...

Pull a sickie!

ryan said...

a lead lined cask should do rthe trick

%&$%# said...

wear a mask

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