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Pandemic, I Don't Know All of Them, Actual HUMAN Diseases, AIDS, HCV, HSV, HPV, HAV, for Some of the Viruses, But Bacterial Diseases, Parasitic Diseases and Fungal Diseases, Look to Be Major, But Not Necessarily Pandemic.


mdGreg C said...

Malaria, yellow fever, e.coli, flu, (std's are not as huge a number as you might think- such as AIDs, it is only in certain areas) , diseases that travel through our food,air, and water supply

d_asian_ said...

the bird flu.

Anie. said...

Any type of flu,and even the common cold.

sherry c said...

wow..yall surprise me....the worlds most deadly these days surpass's a disease of the liver called HCV or Hepatitis C.....causes many bi-directional and damaging diseases along with it....
GET TESTED-You'd be surprised at how many are infected...right now we are over 4 million in the United States alone!

giggling said...

About the only thing is the regular flu.
Bird flu has only killed about 120 people since 2003. PEOPLE have killed a lot of birds though since that time.
AIDS is the biggest hype out there. They hype the statistics in Africa and Asia using bs survey methods. It is very well documented that when researchers switch from an ANC (Ante-Natal Clinic) survey, to a DHS (Demographic and Health Survey), that 'infection rates', or rather the number of people 'testing positive' drops dramatically. Pregnancy causes a cross reaction with the ELISA test which they use in these surveys in Africa. In most cases, the researchers never confirm with a Western Blot test, like they do in the States and in Europe (no money in Africa). People in Africa are still dying of the same thing that they died of 100 years ago, civil war, famine, dirty water, TB, malaria, etc.

lawman said...

The most recent anyways...might be MORGELLONS. Some medical experts are reporting a real mysterious disease. Others think it is an imaginary psychosis, huh?

lucky1 said...

pandemic disease? i would say HIV/AIDS - that is everywhere and that takes people's lives everyday...especially in africa and asia where the people are really suffering (not so much in the US and europe because of advanced medical technology and availability of this technology to citizens...). bird flu threatened to be a pandemic but never quite made it there (not yet anyways). malaria could also be a pandemic, but alot of steps have been taken to stop malaria from spreading throughout the world and is instead confined to countries with poor sewage, lots of moisture, etc.

stascia said...

In Toronto, we've got a Tuberculosis epidemic in the shelter system.

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