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Talk of the swine flu turning into an epidemic has gotten a lot of attention and a few people that I've spoken to seem a little worried. Do you think some people, media included, are blowing this way out of proportion, or do you think everyone should be concerned?


Darby said...

To some extent. One more thing to freak us out. The national news was calling it the next pandemic. I think less than 10 people in the US have had it and have recovered--in Texas and California. It does sound serious because it's a combination of swine, bird and the regular flu all rolled into on. Worry isn't going to change anything. We have to be aware of what's going on and hopefully we will be strong and healthy enough to recover if we get it. Prayer wouldn't hurt. Take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest, don't smoke or drink to excess, practice good hygiene and stay home if you get sick.

whatever said...

I think people should be concerned but in a smart way. The media often blows things out of porportion, but this is something that is okay to. People have died. I would rather we take action and not regret it, then not take action thinking the media blew it out of porportion and not be prepared.
The key here:
Don't be afraid. Don't panic. Being afraid and panicking will raise your stress levels and make you more vulnerable to the actual disease. Fear spreads like wildfire. It is by fear that these diseases spread so easily. Keep yourself healthy and don't let it stress you out,if you panic you are giving yourself a higher chance of getting the disease.
Use stress the right way: Just be smart about avoiding bad and more stressful situations. Eat healthy and exercise and go on with your life as normal as possible if it is safe, but remember to avoid being overly stressed. A little stress is normal, stress that you are going to die from a disease is not. If we keep our cool but work hard to take precautions and make taking those precautions a habit, that is how we can help keep it contained.

miz lily said...

I think everyone needs to be concerned. Scientists haven't seen this type of flu before that is a mix of bird, swine, and human flu. It is scary because I am from CA and have to travel back there from NY in 2 weeks. I am terrified to get it and am trying to cover the media coverage on it as much as possible.

youngdoc said...

YES. the media is blowing it way out of proportion at this point. it is very likely that a major influenza outbreak with epic proportions will be seen sometime in the next 50 years (we are overdue) but scientifically, this has not been shown to be it.

Requiem of the Dream said...

For those of you cold hearted idiots spouting phrases like "I think the world is overpopulated with humans. Reducing the world's population by 3 billion would do wonders for its environment"
What if it is YOUR CHILD or YOUR MOTHER or YOUR BROTHER who get REDUCED. Be careful what you wish for.

Danny (Blows his Trumpet) said...

i just read the article and now im concerned since i live in southern california...

شباهنگ said...

This is as dangerous as any flu. if 60 people have died so quickly it must have some strength. It doesn't kill all who contract it so many will survive.
Personally, I think the world is overpopulated with humans. Reducing the world's population by 3 billion would do wonders for its environment. These epidemics are just nature doing its job.

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