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concerning a deliberate flu outbreak that have been prevalent on the internet in the last month or so?


Emma said...

They said the same thing about bird flu three years ago, and did that so called huge pandemic occur? No, it didn't. Right now there's no need to worry.

mr doodles said...

this flu business is getting to be like the boy that kept crying wolf it hasn't been that many years ago that we were going to have a pandemic over the bird flu that didn't materialize the news has gone to shock reporting even fox likes to overstate a problem. until millions drop dead from the swine flu it will not be a pandemic. ask yourself if any reports of the dead had other infirmities that could have contributed to the cause of death. also look at the overall picture there are billions of people living on earth and so far not even 500 have died. pretty good odds that you won't be affected huh

Funny Horse Videos said...

no! - A flu is a flu....... you can tell what flu get a temperature, and sickness, annd you feel shaky.....if t was a pandemic, tonnes of people would have it...people are too worried about pandemics....calm down, it's all in your head!!!

Smartphone Remote Control said...

This is all drive by media, brought on by the Libs...spark fear and chaos, and then it all suddenly disappaears...what ever happened to the bird and czar flu, and the killer bees, and mad cow disease?....Just More Drive By's

American Splendor said...

Yes, to the pandemic part.
No, to the internet rumors part.
Obama didn't cause this.

myopinio said...

Well, it seems to be originating in Mexico.. I advise everyone to stop travelling there or California or Texas.... AND MAYBE IT IS ABOUT TIME MEXICAN LOVING OBAMA CLOSES OUR BORDERS!

KarK said...

I knew ALL of the PORK in the Stimulus Package would cause something terrible! The "rumors" on the internet were true.

dlk said...

LINK??? I had never read about such rumors other than it could happen................which in my life experience, have gone through many of these flu outbreaks.

Sun & Silk said...

Unless they were psychic but that would be hard to swallow. We still do not know how this virus might mutate if it does at all.

Darwin said...

No. It has been a slow news weekend.

WP Robot: automate your weblog! said...

What rumors...
Please cite a source.

Free WP Yahoo Plugin said...

People are safe.
I do not. All the REPORTING has done wonders. People are safe and REPORTING does not do me, er I mean any harm to others.

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