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and why are illegals from mexico getting health care at taxpayers expense in california and other states?


Mizhelle said...

yeah, i thought of it too.

WP Amazon Autoposter Plugin said...

The ppl who say it won't do any good don't live in a border town.
If your child is the one who dies because someone crossed the border TODAY, then you will wish Obama had the stomach to close the border.
The economy is more important than your baby's life. That is your president's message.

TK said...

There is still trade with Mexico. Many American countries moved there for cheaper labor. We have tried closing the borders, but illegals sneak over here all the time. I think the government is getting ready to do something about it this time.

Sad Videos said...

The virus came into this country via returning American tourists. Closing the border would not do any good. We are tightening up the borders. It has not yet been declared a pandemic. Nothing like spreading a little fear to push an agenda. Duct tape anyone?

Rhoda said...

Ask the governors of the states that border with Mexico. They say it is not necessary. Not the President, the governors.. Call Arnold and ask him.

pinky said...

Because illegal Mexicans especially with swine flu means more votes for the Democratic party. Pelosi welcomes them in with open arms!

Greg F said...

we did not close the border because it would be pointless and it would hurt us economically. the virus is here already, closing the border would have no effect.

pony soprano said...

Janet Napolitano never did anything about illegals when she was Gov of Az. In fact she wanted to give them drivers licenses.

SEE A HOPE said...

they are part of the democratic voting block, and they don't want to upset their constituents. they're quicker to close down schools than the border.

Death Metal Music Videos said...

The Fruit Picking, grape snatching illegals being stopped would irreparable harm our economy. Haven't they taught you that?

LD, last line. said...

We'd prefer to spread the virus even more so, actually.

fanatics said...

PLease explain how closing the border with Mexico will stop the swine flu from spreading in the US.

Ron R said...

lmao.....infected illegals are picking the produce in california fields as we speak...lmao...

WP Robot said...

b/c obama doesn't care about us

Isabelle Chelsi said...

Its a little late for that buddy. Its in, now its gonna stay. Have fun.

ATTENTION: Testicles That Is All said...

I'm sure Pelosi thinks its a great idea since shes a fan of population cleansing.

Heavy Metal Music Videos said...

isn't it nice how a bit of flu can flush out the bigots, I mean phlegm?

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