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Are many of the swine flu cases in the U.S. really just people with the regular flu?


fighting to escape ignorance said...

the real question is how will they tell the difference between the swine flu and seasonal allergies?
im experiencing some of the symptoms of swine flu and its cuz of my allergies....

Curry said...

We've been doing general rapid flu testing, and if a test comes up positive for Influenza Type A, the test for swine flu is done. The symptoms are the same as any other type of flu - fever, bodyaches, respiratory symptoms, etc. Recent travel to Mexico, or exposure to someone who has recently traveled there raises the index of suspicion.

Samantha E said...

The doctor will do some tests to determine whether it is the new strain (swine flu) or a influenza they have seen before. If you feel sick - head to the doc right away and they will let you know. This is not something people need to be panicking about The people in Mexico are dying because health care is not as advanced or readily available to them as it is in Canada and the U.S. This is just like the regular flu – Just a different strain.

lenin said...

Noroviruses are part of a group of viruses that are the most common cause of gastroenteritis (upset stomach) in the UK. Noroviruses are sometimes known as 'small round structured viruses' (SRSV) or 'Norwalk-like viruses'. Noroviruses are also called the 'winter vomiting disease' because people usually get them during the winter months. However, they can occur at any time of the year.

R.I.P Michael Jackson said...

You have the same symptoms as the regular flu, but if you have any body ache's, cough, or what not, than it's best you head to the doctor's to check and see if you have it or not.

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