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What people on the street had to say.


zakard114 said...

the reporter looks like drew

MrBullfrog9876 said...

Our govt. operates in a panic mode all the time, it is the way they get things done. Everysince I was a child 43 years ago they had us scared of something. Atom bomb, first global cooling then warming, ozone, 70's swine flu. The 1918 flu was bad because of lower hygene, times have changed.

PreCurSeD said...

"I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive". -Thomas Jefferson They have been oppressing us for years and the people never push much for liberty

letsknow said...

The Guy at 1:07 says that he doesn't really concern with pigs. That is good, because the Bible says in Book of Deuteronomy Ch: 14 verse. 8 that don't eat pigs. hmmmm firm dogma ...

jarhead1771 said...

the only people that have died are people that have problems already.

instagasm said...

NEWS FLASH. i know 2 people who cought this swine older, one a child... neither one were treated with ANYTHING and they are both FINE!! its just a flu!!!!!!!!

lickdacat2 said...

This Mexican Flu was manufactured for use in warfare. The test earlier this year was to see how efficiently it would spread. In 6 weeks they will release in Mexico a new much stronger swine/bird flu strain that will kill up to 50% of humans that contact the virus.The vaccinations will not be effective and were never intended to be. They will contain an inactive dormant virus produced from a strain of Ebola that only becomes active when Barium is ingested by the victim in some unknown form .

PreCurSeD said...

you say Barium?Are you familiar with Chemtrails??

NWOconspiracy said...

The real story - the the common flu and create a pandemic out of nothing . Then make it so bad that people will take the vaccine . Taking the vaccine creates the real pandemic due to short term vaccine testing . You see its real and you are no wiser . These people want you dead ..vaccinate yourself at your own risk ..wake up

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