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mitchell said...

The symptoms of swine flu are broadly the same as those of ordinary flu, but may be more severe and cause more serious complications.
The typical symptoms are:
sudden fever, and
sudden cough.
Other symptoms may include:
aching muscles,
limb or joint pain,
diarrhoea or stomach upset,
sore throat,
runny nose,
sneezing, and
loss of appetite.
Most people who have contracted swine flu recover within a week and do not suffer complications, even without being given antiviral medication.
However, experts point out that as this is a new virus, its behaviour cannot be predicted with certainty.
Swine flu is different from seasonal flu in that most serious illnesses have been in younger age groups, as happened in all three 20th-century influenza pandemics.
A doctor faced with a symptomatic patient cannot yet predict with certainty the course of their illness and whether or not they will be in the small proportion who may become more seriously ill.
This is why antiviral medication is still being given to all those with swine flu in the UK, subject to their doctor’s discretion.

Shan x said...

The swine flu is not only similar with regular seasonal flu as far as it is transmitted via the respiratory route, but symptoms are also very similar: body aches, fever, cough and lethargy. In addition, the severity of swine flu can range from mild to severe and like seasonal flu, you are at greater risk if you have an underlying medical condition.
See more here:…

Infectious Diseases Today said...
check out this website to find the answer to your question.
hope i helped, byeeeee xx

Smiles.W said...

IT IS A FLU, no worse than any other common flu and with the same exact symptoms.

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