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The swine flu vaccine is now being offered in the United States, but many people are worried about the vaccine's potential side effects. Many say that the vaccine could be linked to the guillain ba...


lofiunico said...

Isaiah 8:11-13The LORD spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people. He said: "Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread

jfueglein said...

Alarmist and unsubstantiated.

grevregnisik said...

Go ahead and take it then. It shouldn't be mandated by the government to have to take it.

AzonaDbacks12 said...

swine flu is causing as many deaths as regular flu why are they making such a big deal about this

IamPerplexity said...


karlkarlkarl1234 said...

I am studying biochemical engineering with a family of professional doctors and many friends in the medical fraternity and as this video says, they all acknowledge the vaccine is NOT SAFE and causes heavy neurological damage similar to dementia from mercury. It doesn't even have the approval of the medical community, it is just being pushed by companies and government officials who don't care at all about your health.So when someone tells you to take it, tell them a massive HELL NO!! :)

TheFreemanuk said...

oct 15 usa will be forced to take the shotif you dont you will be taken to a holdingplace til you do.fuckin wake up usa.

fluxtron101 said...


supermonet12 said...

i went to get my annual flu shot today, and after i was injected the nurse asked me if i want to schedule an appointment for the swine flu shot..LOL..i said HELL NO.

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