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2 types of human flu spliced with 1 form of avian flu ,..and different forms of "swine flu.".

YOU DECIDE.........
Investigative journalist f...


PinkGtrsblablabla said...

Yes, the swine flu is a man made virus. Go look up the illuminati card game on google. Scroll down to the epidemic card and the swine flu is another way to get rid of the population here on earth.The vaccine can cause death as well.

PreppySkater1337 said...

It is man made, no question about it. But who is the perpentrator? China? to get us back for creating SARS (no SARS deaths in US despite high human exchange between US and China). India, a country with half the cases as China and the same population, but why? Russia, the only large country with no severe cases or deaths? North Korea? Islamic terrorists?

angelsamurai101 said...

wow..... makes sense though. I heard about this an another website

MK3KaBaL said...

Personally I blame carelessly contained viral experiments that can mix with other chemicals and elements in the air or possibly bonding with a very common disease; influenza. If they can't even keep a proper lid on nuclear wastes and warheads then how can we trust them to keep a lid on a beaker?

dumbbell33 said...

Hi MK3KaBaL ,.....dude ,.i would check your theory.

MK3KaBaL said...

I got asked a few weeks ago "are you worried about swine flu" the response was: no I think it's doing good for nature and biological life, healthy people will die of human influenza so why is this virus so special?

ragnaroqq said...

"Dont you think theres something noteworthy about the fact that the WHO has changed its definition of pandemic? asks Jefferson. The old definition was a new virus, which went around quickly, for which you didnt have immunity, and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now the last two have been dropped, and thats how swine flu has been categorized as a pandemic."

teresachristine said...

Government trying to control. People need to open their eyes, big time!

jjacobs18 said...

We all need to open our eyes and pay attention to these things.They think no ones watching.I see You like You see and know me.

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