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A new swine flu strain that has killed and sickened people across Mexico has "pandemic potential," the World Health Organization chief said and it may be too late to contain the sudden outbreak. (A...


recabus said...

Your ok after the marshall law?? jajaja

DirtyJerzProductions said...

i went to the doctor on saturday and he said i have a mild case of swine flu i was freakin out i thought i would die. but he said its mild and the media makes it sound worse than it really is. im glad i went to the doc right away tho cuz it would have been alot worse. now im taking meds and im feeling better.

LilDarlingxx said...

I believe that some crafty person or group of individuals literally created this flu and deliberant injecting the pigs, to get it across to the USA. (US or Mexico has never had such a thing b4). The UK has had many (mad cow,bird & mrsa) I wouldn't put it past some underground Brit to do something like this.

deagla said...

Eh, the Illuminati is run by reptilian kin known in history as jinn, naga, demons, vampires, bluebloods, Al Pike, Al Gore, Rothschilds, Windsors, Warburgs etc that rule the inner cult of Freemasonry that do vile sex & torture rituals. They'll probably stage WW3, go to internet 2, force-vaccinate many and stage an alien invasion to get a microchipped population/world government so resist! Support Stewart Swerdlow, Dr. Deagle, Alex Jones, FreemanTV, David Icke and Project Camelot!

fresniak said...

the press is entirely controlled, it just serves the new world order to push its agendas.Investigate this by yourself, the truth will set you free. Peace brother.

dalebsorry said...

Man, the world needs to chill out, and that goes double for mexico. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning than dying of this damn thing, and that's if you actually catch it. Incidentally, those masks won't protect you from catching it, it will only keep you from transmitting it. If you don't have it, take your friggin mask off, and chill the hell out.

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