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The authorities are going forward with some very bold, very disturbing assumptions:
1) The "H1N1 swine flu" (which actually has elements of H5N1 avian flu) IS going to be back this fall. How do th...


skunkbudz420 said...

Lets re-cap their formula for fabricating a pandemic:1. Suddenly, out of nowhere, fill the newspapers and television news with terrifying headlines.2. Continue the hype ad nauseum.3. Make sure that those who may have the disease are given unlimited entry to the United States and other countries so the epidemic will at least seem to spread.4. Make certain the Public Health authorities. Including the Centers for Disease Control, are on board with their lies.

skunkbudz420 said...

5. Haul in huge profits for the pharmaceutical companies from mandatory medicines (in this case, the dangerous drug, Tamiflu) and forced vaccinations.6. Give the contract for making the vaccine to an insider company - one of the most unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies in the country (in this case, the one that was just caught red-handed sending contaminated vaccines to 18 countries).

skunkbudz420 said...

7. Get states to declare martial law so they can forcibly inject you with very dangerous substances (vaccinations) against your will under penalty of prison.8. Direct Homeland Security to declare a National Emergency over so few cases that it is absurd. Yet the American people will believe almost anything.9. Make sure the World Health Organization also lies to the American people.

skunkbudz420 said...

10. Do not warn people to refrain from eating the meat of animals that are infected with the exact disease they dont want to get. Keep their rich Industrialist friends in the Big Business of factory farming happy by telling the public to continue eating the meat of animals that are infected. Tell the public you cant get the Swine flu from Swine!

skunkbudz420 said...

11. Tell the public that the previous Swine Flu epidemic in 1976 was DEADLY, even though there is evidence of only ONE death (if even that) a soldier at Fort Dix, NJ. who had undoubtedly received many different types of vaccines at Boot Camp, a much more likely explanation for his illness and death.12. Try to downplay the reports of legitimate scientists and news reports who are telling the truth (that the Swine flu is no worse than the regular flu).

elelisrael said...

hoooo i wouldn't wont to be in america right now

pacpacrunwithus said...

So wtf if we take the vaccine we are fucked and if we dont they will put is in camps for disobeying? So its a lose, lose situation?

abelincoln1976 said...

idiots,this shit is real.but like aids,you wont die from the simptons,youll die from the vaccine.the will forced the media to blow it outta proportion and idiot ppl will panic and beg for there shots.the have finma camps and prison builded in our counrty for those who resist.the threaten media spokes ppl to do there will or they will kill there family,so they have no choice but to do as there told.the new world order will fully be at hand before next year is up.

fftfsweden said...

How do they know it is coming again?Because it is in the vaccine?!!

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