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The number of confirmed cases of swine flu has topped over a hundred thousand, with the World Health Organization calling the pandemic 'unstoppable', and suggesting mass vaccination.


adamcunningham81 said...

For more open media look at my channel

germinal1988 said...


ronheri said...

This shows just how far America has fallen, when we have to depend on foreign media to ge the truth! Don't believe anything the government tells you or their propaganda arm the MSM. We have an evil, shadow government of eugenists.

thetalentedmrman said...

rediculous. It's just flu, not much different than any other flu.The media are hyping it up, scaremongering people and bringing fear into people to get the vaccinations. Then we all know the media is controlled by the government just like everything else..

danielvincentkelley said...

Yeah, man, no joke.  Careful though, don't be one of the 5000 people who will kill themselves by aspirin this year. There's lots that can be used to defeat flu. A 20 minute bath with a cup of peroxide is another. Goldenseal is another. Neem oil is another. Ozone is another. Just make sure you have something on hand that can get in your blood stream, is disinfectant and can be taken at a dose that will kill a viral infection... Being healthy is important too, leafy greens, exercise...

Quuob said...


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