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On August 10, the University of Maryland School of Medicine began the human testing phase of the H1N1 vaccine testing. The principal researcher was interviewed.

The company Baxter responsible for ...


skunkbudz420 said...

One of their main goals is to scare you into believing that you and your family members need to be vaccinated against a life-threatening disease In that way they will be able to inject you directly with many different deadly bacteria and/or viruses, which will insure your death.But vaccines DONT WORK . They are filled with numerous dangerous ingredients, mercury which can cause cancer, autism and many other fatal diseases, that can kill youTheir goal is Population Extermination

xxxmaj0rxxx said...

the swine flu is a j0ke that y0ur 0wn g0vernment is playinq 0n y0u.just lyk they used 9/11 t0 scare y0u, n0w this flu is q0inq t0 scare y0u.theyre q0inq t0 push the vaccine and push, but d0nt d0 it.i simply see it as an0ther way 0f p0pulati0n c0ntr0l.bush to0k care 0f a decent am0unt with 9/11 but the new puppet 0bama is g0nna take the cake with best p0pulati0n c0ntr0l.. n0t t0 menti0n the great carryinq 0ut 0f a new w0rld 0rder hes pushinq.0ct 21st: fall 0f the republic<-- WATCH THIS!.

Poneutria said...

Yeah you make perfect sense there Mr. Shit For Brains.

bishopm5 said...

Great way to save the world from global warming - I'll take my chances with the Flu

bowled88 said...

why do u think obama and his team want to bring material law?and why may they kill people by the vaccine?really didn't understand..!

Loosh100 said...

You are wrong. I'm white and I'm against the same thing you are. You are just confused as to what that thing is. Satan wants to divide and conquer us and with an attitude like that you sure are helping him along. Jackass.

dietzchris said...

if you take the shot. get prepared to die

fuckpennyfinders said...

doesnt make sense, how can "weakend" pathogens caused death to humans

TheNorthWatch said...

i dislike stupid people of all all cultures and colors...not you? only white people?

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