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Music video of the song: Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song) by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of This song was written in protest of the widespread swine flu v...


RadioTrunews said...

Breaking, see my latest video about a Schoolgirl, 14, dies and three classmates taken ill after being given new cervical cancer vaccine.

ACEBAKER911 said...

Vaccination of any type , is illogical Un Natural , irrational and totally Absurd and against all the Laws of common sense !I knew when i was 8 yrs old that Vaccines were a scam just by my intuition . The entire Premise for Vaccines is Ridiculously foolishThese biological chemical ' Filths' of any type have NO place inside anyones Body and i would never want them in mine.ill trust the wisdom and intelligence of my god given immune system any day over that Scum !

simonlevegetarien said...

HappyBurnination: How did you get so unconscious? Don't u know that government always have access to the best technologies 20-40 years before citizens? The first people to get access to technology is military, and OH! surprise!, the virus was made in a military lab! Come on man! WAKE UP! THE PEOPLE WILL WILL!

HappyBurnination said...

HAHAHAHA! People actually think current biotechnology is advanced enough so that the "evil corporations" can just make viruses.....HAHAHA!!!!

DWest174 said...

HappyBurnination, hi. You're obviously not informed on what biologists and geneticists can do now adays, so I'm going to send you a private message with some links to what they're "telling" us they've already done, so you can get caught up to speed on how it's completely and practically possible for them to have easily engineered this retrovirus.

DWest174 said...

First of all, I don't trust anyone that thinks injecting mercury and squalene directly into my blood is any way shape or form healthy in anyway no matter what spectrum you're looking at the issue from. Second of all, I don't know how poisonious it will actually be. Lethality is hard to define here, because you're talking about mostly long-term, slowly devoloping health problems that won't pop up for awhile to keep people from directly associating their illness to the vaccine they took.

CodysMahName said...


cusanusnicolas said...

Time is short, this vax will likely kill you, slowly perhaps, but painfully. For details on your state's plans for roadblocks, internment, military, google "state pandemic plans flu" 1st link, - since no justification for WHO to declare a Level 6 pandemic, the specter of confinement on arbitrary grounds is real. Also see MA new law, will be signed, prison for resistors, no trials.

iban411 said...

they are trying to mandate all healthcare workers into getting the swine flu vaccine . I work at a hospital and I do not even let them give me the "regular" flu vaccine . My diet keeps my immunity strong enough to avoid these sickness and disease. So if I am forced to consult a lawyer reguarding my rights , I will .

SatanikanataS said...

This, sir, is brilliant.

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