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With the help of their media


Fly in the Ointment said...

I do not think they could if they wanted to, The Media is not about to go along with them and even if they did you would be seeing people get sick, companies closing and all sorts of other problems with a full blown pandemic. Since Republicans stripped 870 million out of the Stimulus for Pandemic readiness, let's all hope it does not come down to it.

ToddR said...

Yes it is a simple thing to cover up for awhile. If they control the information that gets sent out they can twist it however much they want. Take a look at things the unemployment, inflation, CPI. All of those numbers over the decades have been altered to convey a message that is more soothing then normally is the case. Take the M3 reports not being released anymore. They can feed you what they want you to believe. And yes they would try to tone it down. If people knew there was a huge pandemic on the horizon there would be a run on everything in the stores to try and prepare for it.

SCOTT M said...

The flu pandemic of 1918-1919 killed 40 million people. Today, we travel all over the world and population centers are more crowded. If we have a pandemic now, the consequences will surely be more severe.
We need to follow the advice of the CDC. Sneeze into your elbow, not your hands; wash your hands frequentyly; and avoid crowds. If you sneeze or cough into your hands, the virus can remain viable for several hours, so if you touch a door knob, the next person who touches it could become infected.
It appears that we have a milder form of the flu than Mexico has.

WP Robot autoposter plugin said...

Don't see why not. The government has a long standing history and policy of protecting the American people by fudging the numbers, omission, and giving us only what they believe we can handle. The idiots we elect and the ones those fools appoint decide our capacity to process under the guise of National Security. They often feel to avoid mass panic or pandemonium they must shield us.
After reviewing many posts on this site I can see their side of the issue.

Funny Cop Videos said...

Yeah there is no California anymore, everyone is all dead.
There is no New York anymore, they are all dead.
The government sent in the military to do their jobs so nobod knows a huge part of the service and supply chain just got wiped out overnight by swine flu.

Free Wordpress Autoposter Plugins said...

That wouldn't play into their campaign of 'Fear Tactics; scare the hell out of the people so we can continue to forward our agenda'.
Just like after 9/11. Instead of comforting the populace, they told us that another attack may be imminent, therefore they MUST install Homeland Security, and pass unconstitutional legislature (Patriot Act, FISA, Real ID, etc.)

Chico The Scab Carpenter said...

Obama is already playing it down at a time when people should be preparing for the worst while still holding out hope for the best.

Marcia B said...

No. Its information that will prevent a pandemic...not lies. Its already a problem that Mexico wasn't more forthcoming early on.

Speiseka said...

Perhaps only if there was a chance that the dead could rise from their graves thirty days hence.

Smartphone Software said...

Not this administration. They seem to be blowing it out of proportion so that when the world doesn't end, they can say, "see how well we (the government) took care of you?"

SFC_Olli said...

Our current Administration does not cover up anything, they just change the name and figure "problem solved".
US Army

Ignoranc said...

There would absolutely no reason whatsoever to do so. Therefore the answer to your question is "no".

Heavy Metal Bands said...

I think they would but a more likely scenario is they blow it up much bigger than it is to distract the sheep that follow them.

bluechri said...

If you were to ask this question a few years ago under the Bush administration I would have said YES with out a doubt . Now I will waite and see .

True American Patriot said...

Media coverage has been nonstop, what are you talking about?

TheKitte said...

New rule - no conspiracy theory unless an event has been in the news for at least a month.

sigurj said...

They would possibly do so in order to avoid mass panic.

oohhboth said...

No - it's not something that can be covered up. Our society has too many ways of communicating.

wisdomfo said...

Yes, just like they tried to cover up how bad the economy is.

rrm38 said...

They might try, but in today's internet world they wouldn't succeed. I think they know that.

Pooh. said...

The gov't has brainwashed America for years

Bush:Biggest Dumbass Ever said...

Fox does it with the Iraq war every day, why not this

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