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Will the Swine Flu be as big as the plague pandemic?
what do you think?


achatz said...

This is a question I don't think anyone would be able to give you a definite answer to. At this moment in time, it is too early to tell. And I do believe it is over hyped by the media. But then it makes me wonder if because the media over hypes it, no one will take it seriously, and then more people could get hurt or die. Its just one of those things.

Cool Video Clips said...

No way. The plague killed 1/3 of the population. There are almost 6 billion people in the world and at most (with unconfirmed cases) 2,000 people have swine. Do you realize how small of a number that is? The flu isnt really spreading that fast and only 17 people have died from it.

Anonymous said...

Probably not, it COULD happen, but I don't think so.. Remember when the peanut butter had some nasty bug in it? And when there was an AIDS breakout up north?
The media made a big deal out of it then, but now we kind of forgot it all about it..

That Guy said...

I think not.
I am an optimistic person, and I think everyone is making to big of a deal of this. Barely any people have it in Canada, less than 100, so I doubt it will grow dramatically.

WP Robot demo version said...

Its very possible for it become a pandemic. WHO already raised level to 2nd highest:…

i♥me said...

It's a possibility!
Im really scared about this whole thing and I'm being very careful and cautious about everything.
We can only hope for the best and keep ourselves hygienic.

FeatherH said...

It could, but we have better precautions now and better medical care...

ladygaga said...

I can only hope for the best. I am scared seems pretty bad and I think it will get wost. What do you think?

Hoopa44 said...

naw ur thinkin too hard...but there are possibilites

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