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Why, shame on you! That man is absolutely exhausted from grovelling to the leaders of countries who hate us and plot our downfall. Do you think it's easy to be obsequious? Huh? Do you think begging for approval is something he ENJOYS?
For gods' sake - let the man have a day of rest, why don't you!


dingoblu said...

Comrade Obama does't care about America, get over it.
Comrade Obama has a dream for a Post American World.
Comrade Barack Hussein Obama said in his book 'Audacity of Hope', “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction what better place for the Muslins to control our country, than in the office of the President of USA.”
A person can’t truly love America and Obama too, for to truly love one is to truly hate the other.
May God protect the American People and the Free World from the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein Obama.
Semper Fi

guber said...

As much as I hate to admit it, everyone need some rest and recreation in order to clear the mind and recharge the batteries. I just love these ignorant liberals who claim Reagan was Lazy and Bush was dumb. If they ever really studied Reagan, they might realize that he was quite intelligent. Those who like to call G W Bush dumb probably never went to Harvard. But they sure like to make judgments about what they do not know. One must remember that when one points a finger, Three are pointing back at them. Than you for the opportunity to give my opinion and share my knowledge.

william s said...

I am glad you acknowledge the fact that the last administration NEVER concerned itself about the state of affairs of our union BUT the word ANOTHER is out of context.
You see DUBYA's PARTY is the party with a shadow government that has POTTED PLANTS AS A STAFF.
Evidently you don't know the roles of the Cabinet of the PRESIDENCY!

just me said...

Obama is a very talented man. You have no right saying that; just because he plays golf. Since there is a pandemic going around, are you not partying? Are you not having fun?
Keep in mind that he is much more busy than you are; he's doing all that he can and golf has nothing to do with this.

xodevili said...

You are too cute. I have been saying for over a year now that BO looks like Alfred E. Newman from Mad.
BO doesn't care about the swine flue or anything else for that matter, other than himself. They criticized Bush for going to his ranch even though he took his staff & foreign dignitaries there & it was obvious that he was working, but this so called president goes & plays golf, not to mention when he went over seas we the tax payers paid for someone to go along for BO to play basketball with............Please just how stupid are we to let this kind of crap to go on all the time??

Kay said...

And what would everyone have him do? Sit in his office encouraging fear and panic?
I think it was fine. He was either going to sit in his office and do nothing or play a round of golf and get updates. I would choose golf, too.

volleyba said...

What are you suggesting he do instead? What specifically would you have him do that would address the problem of swine flu on this particular Sunday?
Would it be better if he went out and cleared some brush?

No need for Enzyte said...

Obama is not a doctor.
At least he isn't giving boneheaded soundbites like "We will not rest until we bring these terrorist killers to justice" from the tee.

Mercer Devil said...

This is as bad as asking why President GW Bush was at a elementary school on 9-11-2001. There are MANY things I don't like about President Obama. This is not even on the list.

STEVEN F said...

Give the guy a break.After spending more money than what Bush did in 8 years in 3 months, and after bowing to Muslims on his world wide apology tour,the dude needs a break! He did a lot of work on his basketball bracket too!

Mr.Z said...

Why are car races, basketball games, baseball games, going on, what are people enjoying themselves everywhere.? Because they can do nothing about it and right now neither can the President.*

firewome said...

It's obvious - he doesn't CARE about Americans.

Aunt Acid said...

Priorities or lack their of.

Anonymous said...

The man is having a good time, golf comes first.
I didn't vote for him. It is not a shock to me.
You have not seing nothing yet.

Jose G said...

What would you like him to do?

No! I won't shut up! said...

When someone in the States dies from it, get back to us.
P.S. You're on the computer instead of getting out there to solve the problem. Why shouldn't he take the afternoon off?
At least he didn't fly down to his ranch for three or four days at a stretch every week.

michelob said...

Nothing compares to Katrina

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